Jealousy 2

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The group of 3 sat in front of will, who was currently watching the video of his cheating boyfriend. The color drained from the brunettes face.

"..I can't believe this." Will muttered, giving the phone back to el.

Mike shook his head. "I'm so sorry will. We had to te—"

Will cut him off. "No, mike! You guys are lying. That is not him in the video." He yelled, standing up.

"What do you mean? El got a very clear shot of his face." Mike stood up, putting his hands on his hips.

"No, no no. That's not him. You got him mixed up or something." Will looked down.

Max got out of her seat, walking over to will. "I know it's hard to take it in, but you have to believe us."

Will shoved her away. "No! You guys are such assholes! You guys finally see me happy, and try to make me miserable again!"

"Bullshit!" Mike scoffed, rolling his eyes.

"No!" Will started, "no, mike! You're just so miserable that you finally don't have someone to obsess over, you just wanna ruin my relationship!" He pointed to Mike, shoving his finger on his chest.

"We are trying to look out for you. He's Cleary cheating, why can't you see that?" Mike took wills wrist, pulling his hand away from his chest.

"You're lying." Will eyes started to fill with tears.

El stepped in. "Will, it was me in the video. I saw, it was him."

Will turned to el. "You can't say that. You haven't even met him yet."

"I did though!" Mike blurted out. "He was an ass to me the hole time!"

Will rolled his eyes. "Stop being such a baby." He scoffed.

Mike breathed in, obviously angry. "He's cheating will. We saw it."

Will shook his head. "Stop being so miserable about your love life, that you just gotta fuck up mine!"

Everyone went quiet. Mike bit his lip and looked down.

"Im sorry that you can't pull anybody else. I see why. You're just scared Mike. Little whiney baby. That's all you are. You can't take care of your self, and you're a wimp." Will choked out, wiping the angry tears.

"That's all I am? All I am to you?" Mike mumbled, tears filling his eyes.

Will looked down, not responding. He turned away from them all. "I'm leaving." He started to walk towards the door before Mike grabbed his wrist.

"Will, believe us." Mike pleaded, as El followed behind him. "You're my best frie—"

Will cut him off once more. "You are not my best friend."

A pang of sadness hit Mike's heart, he let go as tears filled his eyes. Wills face had a look of regret, before he shook his head and ran out of the house.

Mike turned back around, racing upstairs to his room, as max and eleven stood there staring at each other.

"That went horribly." Eleven groaned, slumping down in her chair.

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