11 Gai

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Insane like another bandit with markings all around their arms. I jumped down from a tree stomping on his head. When he jumped back up he whipped out a kunai, I easily dodged the weapon and landed a blow to his head. After when I thought I was done he mumbled a sentence I couldn't quite understand and the marks began to subtly glow. Not that I got to pay much attention to detail before I was thrown unconscious, or so I thought. When I oppened my eyes I could see but I wasn't awake. It didn't feel like a dream however. The confusion slipped away as I saw Yuki, something I didn't want to look away from she was.. smiling?
Yuki rarely smiled. Not like this anyways, her eyes were closed and when they opened they were so full of life, so youthful. Her fingertips with a cracked frost as she played with her Ice. She looked...




Why was my arm stinging, everything hurts. What's going on?  Yuki was trying to rip herself from someone's arms. He was tall. He had black hair with blue tips. His eyes were icy blue. And his face was demonic. I saw Yuki trying to fight back right before I saw a fist going straight for my face. "Oh right the bandits" I rolled straight from under his fist. It hit a rock instead. With my few milliseconds of their shocked reaction time I kicked them both to the ground. I took the scroll I was sent to get. "Though it be a little harder to get this" I headed back to my village ignoring the wound on my arm.

Yoshis scaly skin slithering across my left arm. I could feel him getting worked up. His emotions are linked to mine after all. I shouldn't be so paranoid. He'll be back soon. I held isamu close to me. It was thundering which scared him. I don't think it was actually scaring him though. I think it was more of a bad memory from our childhood. Which I don't blame him if I'm being entirely honest. He had fallen asleep in my arms for quite some time now. I didn't complain, it gave me plenty of time to think. With everything I've had going on it feels like I haven't had the time to do that In a while.

I began reading the scroll... Lord 3rd would not be pleased with what he'll be receiving.

After a long day of training myself, Isamu, And helping Obito with his fireball Jutsu (Ironic cause I'm a Ice ninja huh?) I finally got some rest.

Yoshi slithered of Yuki and the Young boy, rapping his tail around a chunk and pulling it on top of the two. Then in the crevice of Yukis neck he curled into a ball, and drifted to sleep.

Hello everyone. I wanna say I'm back but it's probably not the case. I wrote this chapter cause I felt bad I've left the book untouched for so long. However my mental health has taken a toll and I'm not only mentally but physically exhausted. I've been going through some personal stuff recently, and yes I've said last time I could probably start updating regularly, however it's just not the case anymore I was thinking of dropping the book and quite frankly I wanted to but I forced myself to give it a shot ever though I've been loseing my touch and draw for writing. It was fun actually and I'm glad I gave it another shot. However, I started writing this book in a terrible place with no intentions to finish it that way. It was foolish. However a friend did advise me to take a break. So even though I've been gone for a long time I'm going to wait a little longer, see if things get better. We'll see what happens to this book then. If you're still reading, Thankyou for enjoying this book so far. I'm going to bed for now cause it's almost midnight and I'm extremely exhausted. I hope you have a good day/night whenever you're reading this.


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⏰ Last updated: Jul 21, 2022 ⏰

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