4 // ...I miss you

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(A/N: this chapter might be a little confusing like the last one heh.)

You woke up in the hospital apparently you were out for three or four days but you seemed to be healing fine so Tsunade let you leave on the fact that you can't go on missions for a bit. You went home and layed down on the floor enjoying how cold it was. Isamu should be home from his mission soon. You missed your little brother, and your older one. You were thinking about your father and brother and how much you hated your dad. You really missed your brother. 'guess which ones alive!' you stated in your thoughts.

After failing at getting some rest you headed to your small stream and went in. You formed little ice animals and put them on a rock next to you. You were mad, mainly at yourself for what had happened.
You felt your little snake wrap around your waist. You picked him up and giggled, you loved reptiles. Something you thought was weird was he usually hid under your cloak so why was he here now. He nuzzled against you face making you laugh a little. You had him since you were little and it was nice you could see him again, but he's been at home since he got hurt on a mission a few weeks ago. He was considered a "ninja tool" but he was more like your best friend. His long black scales slithered back to your cloak curling up into it like a blanket as his closed his grey eyes. Although there was still another pair of them on you. Gai came out from behind a tree.

"I figured you would be here"

You stayed silent, he was the voice you have been dreading to hear.

"Can we talk?"

'i think I'm gonna die'

"Sure what's up?"

"What's up yuki is that you've been out for four days in the hospital"

"Ahahaha! you knew about that huh?!" you said growing more anxious. "Well its not that bad but I really have to-"

"Yuki" Gai said gripping your wrist, "I'm the one that found you when you blacked out."
"I made out a lie so you wouldn't get in trouble but you need to be honest with me."



you practically  fell from your window

"T-Tatsuo?! Please don't tell father I-"


"I told him we were training and I left you some stuff to do so you might be late."

"Tatsuo... Thanks"

"Hmn. Yes but you owe me my sister"

"Thank you big brother, do you think we can train tomorrow?"

"Of course, last to wake up and get there has to watch Isamu next"

"It is so on"

"You're going to need to sleep to wake up though Yuki."

"Oh, right. Night Tatsuo."

"Goodnight, Yuki"

---end of flashback---

A tear that had been threatening to escape your eye fell, not far before a hand wiped it away.

"There was just a wild animal and it was dark it was really silly and I'm fine, thank you but I should go."

You were about to leave when Gai jumped into the water with you.


"Yuki you're a terrible liar."


“There were kunai in your knee”
“You don't have to tell me where you went but, why are you lying to me?”

"I didn't want to lie to you Gai"

"But I just do not understand then why did you"

"It wouldn't make sense"

"Just please be careful and promise me to try to be as honest as you can, please I do not want to loose you Yuki"

"Gai, you won't now c'mon let's just go and train."

You and Gai had been training for a while and he drank wayyy to much sake. His face was beet red and he was mumbling a bunch of stuff to himself. Speaking of himself he wasn't acting it at all. You carried him home and gave him to Dai.

"Oh Yuki- sorry for the inconvenience I-"

"It's fine, I'm more concerned with him? Is he gonna be okay or...."

"Yeah he'll be fine, did he train hard at least?"

"Did his best and tried his hardest, like always I suppose."

"That's good! I am proud'



You headed home and plopped on your bed, today was... Stressfull to say the least.

"Yuki-channn!!" You fell to the ground if your brothers embrace.

"Isamu, you're home how was your mission."

"It was great maki-sensei fought off a bunch of ninja and we got to eat ramen and and-"

This kid went on forever, to be fair it was his first time one a real decent mission as a ANBU member it didn't really affect you anymore.

When Isamu got done his rambling you made dinner and managed to get him to go to bed. After that you slept for a few hours. Doesn't sound like a accomplishment but to you it was more than you had in weeks. You woke up feeling slightly better and you grabbed your ANBU gear going to the hokages office, you were back finally.

(Short chapter today sorry I'm thinking of posting less to make longer ones but I'm not really sure yet anyways I hope you're well and till next time)

- vei

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