7// psychotic coward

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You felt cold down my back as you were simply in a bra and your shorts. There were bruises all down your stomach and waist and you couldn't move your right arm.

"Yuki, you dont mind if I ask some questions do you?"

You had just woken up in this room, you had no idea were you were and you felt a liquid going down your chest. You looked down to see bloody bandages around your stomach.

"Pitiful, it wasn't a request Yuki."

"What the hell do you want from me"

"I want to know the whereabouts of Tatsuo Senju."

Pandered at the same you look down for a second "What?"

"Ohhhh, my bad wrong one my condolences. Your father left once the boy died, wanted to cover up his mistakes I suppose."

"What the hell did you just say?" You lunged at the middle aged man only to be brought back down by chains

"Aww. You didn't think I wouldn't take precautions did you?"

"You bastard"


"Call me what you'd like, but I still need answers, you see your father is a very very bad man and we need to take him away."

"Stop treating me like a child, I understand my father has done some bad things but what does this have to do with me?! I haven't seen him in years."

"Huh, well then."

The man seemed to freeze for a moment while a evil look spread across his face.

"If I can't find Yakudoshi Senju then I'll make his air pay for his traitorous actions"


"The hokage isn't here?"

"Im not one hundred percent sure this is it but before I went unconscious the Raikage and Kazekage came to the village."

"Is that so.. I suppose we just have to find her on our own then."

The worried brother and the boy dressed in green began to run after what they could only hope to be her


Two weeks went by. The wound on your stomach was most likely infected and every time you couldn't give information to this freak show he made your injury's worse. But today was different... Something was off.

He was hurting you for not giving information you couldn't give in the first place when a figure came down and hit him in the leg. You couldn't look up long enough to see who it was before you blacked out.

All you could do is hear faces being hit and punches being thrown till something that caught you off guard. A yelp of pain, but you recognized it.

'Isamu...' you mumbled

All your injury's began to freeze closed the ends of your hair turning a cold icy blue your fingertips looking cold and your eyes cracking slightly with blue and white. You grabbed the man's arm and twisted it releasing it's grip from Isamus neck he feel to the ground in pain.

"Touch a strand of hair on my brothers head, and I assure you both heaven and hell with hear your scream."

"You seem to forget, I'm the one in charge here Senju. Look."

Following his finger with your gaze you looked back to where your chains were, behind them was a whole line of people bowing to this psycho.

'most of them don't even look 12' you thought to yourself.

"Look at them, they worship me. And you will be next."

You looked over to the man grabbing your brother by his arm. Your foot flew to his face bashing his nose in making it bleed.

"Using innocent people to do your bidding, young children who don't know any better?
They don't worship you their terrified of you. Inflicting fear to get them to do what you want because you know you're not a good person? You're no leader, You're a coward."

You shoved your foot deeper into his face.

"We won't let you hurt master Aza!"

Some kid said from the back.

"I'm truly sorry I have to do this." When the kids ran at you, you simply doged their attacks and hit them at their necks making them faint.

When you were all done you looked at your brother who seemed relieved that everyone was unconscious. Another figure came into the room and you got ready to fight them. You realized who it was and eased up.

"Sorry I didn't get here sooner, Isamu and I split up about a hour ago! I am truly glad we have found you Yuki-chan!"

Your eyes began to swell with tears. 'hes safe' what you didn't realize is that the ice you froze your wounds with wasn't, and you made a big cough of blood, your body and hair going back to how it usually was and you fell only seeing blackness.

Gai pov

She coughed blood and her body went back to how it was.."Yuki!" I yelled and catched her. I picked her up and she was still breathing, that calmed me a bit but I still worried, I had to act normal for Isamu though.

"Is she okay" he asked in a tired voice

"I'm sure she will be fine!" I said more enthusiastically than I was.

Carrying her on my back her hot breath against my neck kept knowing she was still alive.

"Why is your face so red Gai, are you feeling okay?"

"Yeah, Yeah I'm okay! Just tired I suppose."

I have no idea why my face is getting so warm. It's freaking me out. I was pulled out of my thought when I felt something. I looked at Isamu.

"I'll be back!"

"Hn? Okay just hurry up."

I ran Yuki to where Isamu couldn't see us I pulled up her now soaked shirt. I saw bloody bandages all over her stomach poorly wrapped I unwrapped them to reveal a huge infected hole in her stomach. The only way she must have survived this is by slowing it with ice.

"Is everything okay?"

"Yeah, let's just get back to the village as soon as possible okay?"

"Is everything okay?"

"Yeah we should just hurry it's... Uh. Getting late"

"I suppose"

Gai and Isamu just got back to the leaf village Tsunade had just finished with Yuki and let Gai and Isamu go see her.

"Is my sister going to be okay?"

Isamu looked over at his unconscious sibling.

"I think it's best if you try to go home and get some rest Isamu."

Isamu headed home quietly and Gai waited for him to be far enough so that Isamu couldn't hear.

"Is she going to be okay."

"Gai, I'm going to be honest with you the other injury's on her body are going to be healed within a week. But the inquiry on her stomach is huge, infected, and she's had it for over 3 weeks how she's survived so far is questionable only time can tell at this point."

Gai looked at the floor. He didn't say anything.

"You should go home too. It's late."

Gai sat by her side staring at her, everyone has left and it's pitch black out now. Gai looks at her wound. And he seems to remember. The blood on his clothes... He didn't bleed alot and not feel it like he thought. It wasn't his blood. He felt a massive wave of guilt come over him. 'Shes the reason I'm alive... Is this my fault?'
Gais mind raced in circles as a massive wave of guilt rushed through his body. He felt everything he was hiding from Isamu spill out of him. He stayed with Yuki all of that night, not getting a second of sleep. Instead, he layed his head on her chest listening to her unnaturally slow heart beat. Waiting patiently for his closest friend to wake up.

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