Christmas with Y/l/n's

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The five kids were sitting in the living room watching TV on Christmas Eve.

"Hey guys. I've got to go sorry." Y/n said getting up.

"Why?" Dawn asked.

"My family celebrates Christmas differently. We stay up on Christmas Eve and at midnight we open gifts." She explained to them.

"Ohh." They all said.

"That's cool." Dicky said.

"Yea. Well bye!" Y/n said. They all said bye back and she left.


Y/n walked into her house. No one was downstairs so she went to go see what time it was in the kitchen. It was 9:30pm. She went to the fridge and got some yogurt.

She texted Chris:

Chris: Big bro❤️
Y/n: Me

Me: Hey. I'm home. I'm eating some yogurt downstairs

Big bro❤️: Ok I'll let mom and dad know.

Y/n went to the couch and watched Harry Potter. She loved watching Harry Potter during Christmas.

After the first movie it was already 10:45 and her parents were already coming down.

"Hey princess." Her dad said and hugged her.

"Hi dad." She hugged him then she hugged her mom.

Then Chris came down. "You ready to see what you got?" He asked.

"Duh!" She responded.

"Remember we have to wait until 12am." Isabel reminded them.

"Oo is this Harry Potter!?" Her dad asked.

"Of course! Do you guys want to watch it with me while we wait?" She asked.

They all agreed and watched it.

An hour time skip.

"Ok we have 15 minutes. I'll start separating the presents." Her mom said and did that.

Once it turned midnight they all did a wooo!

Matthew gave everyone one present. Isabel opened her first. She got a hair curler. "Aw thanks I really needed this! Who got it?" She asked.

"I did." Y/n said and gave her a hug. Then she opened her gift. It was a Chucky doll. "Woah! OMG YES!" She started to jump up and down.

Everyone was smiling. "It was from all of us." Her dad said. She hugged them all.

Chris opened his and he got a hoverboard.

They continued to open presents and give hugs until around 2:30am.

"Ok ok it's time to sleep now." Matthew said.

They said good night then went upstairs to bed.

Y/n brought her Chucky doll upstairs with her. She put him in on top of her dresser. She tried going to sleep but couldn't because of the doll.

So she texted Nicky.

Nicky: Nicks 😍⁉️
Y/n: me

Me: Hey are you awake?

Nick's😍⁉️: yea what's up?

Me: I'm scared. I got a Chucky doll for Christmas and I'm scared.

Nicks😍⁉️: oh it'll be ok. Look on the bright side. You got what you wanted!🎉

Me: yea you're right. Thanks ❤️

Nicks😍⁉️: np

Nicky pov:

I wonder what that heart means. Should I put one back? No maybe she'll know I like her.

Y/n pov:

I put a heart but he didn't put one back. Maybe he doesn't like me. Ugh why would I do that. What's wrong with me.


OMG I POSTED WHAT!? anyways I updated all of the chapters but I don't think some of it is noticable. I don't know if any of you saw but I updated the update one and I said I changed the brother's name to Chris. I hope you guys liked this and I'm working on the other one right now. Word count: 522

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