Dawn moves out

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Dawn, y/n, and Mae were laughing.

"Ok I'll go first. My super sleepover secret is..until I was seven i had a crush on smokey the bear."

Mae and y/n chuckled a bit before saying. "You know he's a cartoon right?"

"I mean, its cool if that's what your into"

"Come on I mean he's cuddly, he cares about the environment, and how cool does "mrs. Dawn the bear" sound?"

"Ok Mae, tell us your deep dark secret."

"I can't. I don't really feel comfortable."

"Yea.." Y/n looked around at the boys.

"I promise whatever you say does not leave this room."

Dicky looked down at the three girls hanging from his bed. "Totally my lips are sealed."

"Do you mind?"

"Not at all I love secrets." Dicky put his arms out. How about you?" He looked at Nicky.

"I'm all ears, and biceps." He flexed. "Time to work the glutes." He started doing squats.

Y/n put her head in her hand covering her cheeks and shook her head.

"This is ridiculous." Mae said.

"Just ignore them." Dawn handed the popcorn to them but y/n didnt take any because she doesn't like the regular popcorn.

Ricky came out of the bathroom. "Sorry about that, nature called. Let's just say she had a lot to talk about."

The girls gave him a disgusting look. "At least spray the bathroom." Y/n said holding her nose because she was closest to the bathroom.

"How am I supposed to ignore that?"

"Its not that bad. Here let's paint our nails and forget they're here." Dawn and Mae got up getting the nail polish.

"Gotta chalk up for the three pounders." Nicky put some chalk on his hands and clapped causing some chalk to go in the air.

Dicky started blow drying his hair. "Dicky what are you doing?!?"

"I wanna look good in my dreams." He turned to y/n. "And yours." This kinda triggered Nicky but he did nothing about it.

"Still not that bad."

"Uh oh natures calling back." Ricky ran to the bathroom pushing Nicky into dicky which made the blow dryer blow chalk into the girls faces.

"Its that bad." Dawn nodded.


Dawn and y/n walked into the kitchen while Anne was making breakfast.

"Hey would you girls like some breakfast?"

"Y/n and i would, but Mae left hours ago."

"Right after the boys used her toothbrush....to clean out their eyes." Y/n gaged.

"Its not just the sleepovers mom. I have to get changed under the covers, they have a booger wall, and the smells. Mom the smells." Dawn shuddered. "I can't take it!"

"Well you could have your own room."

"No I want my own room and im not taking-"

"She said you could have your own room."

"Wait what-?"

Anne laughed. "Yea I've been thinking about it. You should have your own room."

"Whats the catch?"

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