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"This makes no sense. I stopped the message." Oh said as he saw all or gorges ships appearing.

"The gorg can not be finding us." Oh said as he turned the car.

"Then how did they?" You ask

"There must be some other reason!" Oh said

A ship began flying towards you guys.
But Tip pulled the lever? (Whatever the hell tattoo thing is called.)

"Oh behind us!" You exclaimed as you saw one of gorges ships behind the car.

"Engage weapons systems." Oh said hitting a button on the car.

"We have a weapon system?!" Tip asked

"Go! Burrito torpedo!" Oh exclaimed

2 burritos that were set on fire flew from the back of the car and destroyed it.


The ship dropped but a piece of it flew and hit the back of the car.

"We've been hit! We're losing grape escape!" Tip exclaimed

"We lost tangerine twist!" You exclaimed looking into the back of the car.

"If we lose busta lime, I cannot control!" Oh said as the car began to land.

"Click and the ticket we are to crash." Oh said as he turned yellow.

You screamed while ducking in the back seat as the car came to a crash in the forest.

As the car crashed to the ground, you and tip hurried out of the car.

"No, no, no. Slushious! No!" Tip exclaimed as she tried to stop the liquids from leaking.

"No, no, please no!" You pleaded as you tried to help your sister stop the leaking bit to no avail.

"Come on, come on, come on,! Slushious!No!"

Slowly the car began to shut down and it came to a stop.

"She's gone." Tip said

"We are doomed." Oh said

"Now we'll never make it to Australia." Tip said.

"I will now sing the boov death song." Oh said.

He began to yell and sing In a high-pitched voice then fell to the ground and started rolling on it.

You pulled on tips jacket as you noticed the smoke in the sky.

"A gorg ship!" tip whispered.

"It's rude to interpret the death song." Oh said.

"Maybe you can take the parts from the ship to fix our car," Tip exclaimed.

"I cannot do that. These are gorg parts. They are metric." Oh said crossing his arms over his cheat

"We're not getting this close and giving up.  Come on!" Tio said

"Yeah! Let's go." You user Oh to follow you and tip.

"No!" Oh began to turn red "always with the running towards danger!" He exclaimed.

"Stop being such a boov. It's our only chance. Come on." Tip said running towards the ship. You followed.

Oh growled and turned red again "this has a low probability of success!" He exclaimed.

You guys stood near the ship.

"Let's go." You whisper


"For what?" Tip asked

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