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As tip leans down to pick up pig she comes face to face with a boov. "Ahhh!" you scream. The boovs screams. Tip pushes it into the freezer and uses a broom to lock it.

"Gotcha, gotcha, gotcha!" she yells. Tip groans in descust and whipes her hands on her hoodie.

"Why are you did this?" The boov asks whipping the glass screen " I am boov, beloved by all humans" he exclaimed

"We know what you are" tip says angrily while stuffing canned spaghetti into her bag. "Excellent! Can I come into the out now?" The boov asked "no, you can't come into the out now" you say looking at the boov " you can never come into the put ever again!" Tip says

"B-But I can, one of you is just having to take away the piece of wood" the boov points the the piece of wood holding the glass door closed. Tip sighs "let's go y/n" she grabs you by the hand and began to walk out.

" then I will have to I will shoot forth lasers from my eyeballs!" The boov says. Tip turns around " you can do that?" She asked with a raised brow. The boov began to turn green "yes" he said hesitantly. "Liar" you scoff "well if you shoot your eye lasers, then we'll have no choice but too.....but to explode your head" tip said smugly.

"You humans can not to-" tip cut him off "we can too!" She said beginning to walk out "we just don't much. It's considered rude." She said walking to the door.

"Then I am granting you two a truce. You are not to exploding heads, and I will not do my devastating eye lasers" the boov said as the smeared his face up against the glass. The yelp noticing pig purring against the door "pig" you walk over and puck him up. "Okay truce" tip said looking at the boov through the glass. " So can I come into the out now" " no" you say stroking pigs fur " this is what you get for stealing planets and abducting people" tip said walking away from the door

"Oh, you are thinking a mistake, boov do not steal and abduct. No, boov liberate and befriend" the boov said. You and tip stand there as a flash back accrues

Flash back

It was Christmas morning and you tip and your mom were exchanging presents . Tip laugh shaking the box in her hands. "Guess who made this one" the asked playfully shaking the box.

You mother gasped " this is beautiful!" She exclaimed reaching for the box. Suddenly things started floating "m-mama" you cry out "mom, whats happening!" Tip asked scared " I don't know, honey" Suddenly a hole broke out in then roof of your home. "What's going on!" You started to cry. You mother gasped "tip,y/n! It will be okay" she said as she was being pulled out into a tube. "Mama!" You cry as she got sucked into the tube.

The ship didn't pick up you or tip. As tip looked down the notice your mom was gone "mom" she exclaimed. "Y/n," tip reaches out to hug your crying figure, she held you while you cried into her shoulder.

End of Flashback

Tip let's out a deep breath " it's all your fault, you stole our mom!" Tip said angrily turning to the boov. "Smell you later ,boov" you grab tips hand and walk to the door. "Wait! Smell me now. I can to fixing your car. I seen you have broken it" " I didn't break it. I'm a very good driver. It's supposed to leak like that" Tip said walking out the door with by by her side.

The boov sighed in defeat, but smiled smugly when the car was indeed now working. Tip came back in " can I come into the out now?" The boov asked.

Small time skip

"Fa-da" the boov threw his hands I the air as he finished 'fixing' the car. "Oh! You were supposed to fix it!" Tip said angerly looking at the car " what is this" you ask looking at what he did " I calls it "slushious." Oh said. The car had slushy machines attached to the back of the car and bubbles coming from the back as well. Tip ran her hands through her hair shocked. There was a fan in the front and the lights came up from the car.

"Slushious?" Tip asked. " what in the-" you look shocked at the car " it makes excellent foul and comes in fun to say flavors. "Grape escape" tangerine twist" "Busta lime" oh laughed "mom's gonna kill me" tip muttered pulling her hair and ran to the car " now I am prepared to accept one of your traditional gestures of human gratitude." Oh said putting his arms out for a hug " actually, our tradition is to punch you in the nose. Hold still" tip put her fist up in Ohs face while looking darkly at him.

No! Your gratitude is implied." Oh said putting his hands on his head.

There was beeping heard in the distance " y/n let's go" she said you nod hoping into the back seat with pig. "You can drives first. Then I can- oh" oh tries pulling on the door handle " your not coming, me and y/n are trying to his from the boovs. Where not taking one with us." Tip said putting her seat belt on. "You'll just turn us in" you say from the back seat.

"No! I just need a ride! Oh exclaimed clicking the lock " I haves offical boov business out of in town." Oh said "us too" tip said starting the engine.

"But I fixes your car!" Oh said " so? I let you out of the freezer were even" tip said turning the key in the engine and tried to drive off. But there was a problom.

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