• Chapter Fifteen •

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You sat there staring at the clock. Time ticked by as your excitement grew. It was a couple hours before Ted was supposed to come over and visit for a little while. You proceeded to watch the clock until it dawned on you that you actually needed to get ready. You were the one going to pick him up.

You got up from your couch and made sure to give your cat her breakfast and give her some water. Afterwards making your way over your bedroom to prepare clothes so you could get a quick shower. The house was already clean so you really didnt need to do much to get ready besides... be clean. As you continued to rummage through your clothes you finally found things that would look well together. Not that you needed to impress Ted but you just wanted to look nice for your benefit.

You grab the set of clothes and make your way to the bathroom, being stopped by your little gremlin. She meowed at you and pawed at your leg. "Hey baby-" You knealed down to pet her with your open hand. Zelda proceeded to bump your hand and nuzzle against your leg. "Sweetie I need to get a shower. I'm all stinky. I'll give you cuddles after okay? You're gonna meet someone special today!" You say happily as you continue to pet the little fur ball. Eventually you stood back up and walked into the bathroom. Closing the door so Zelda couldn't wander in and bother you more.

Placing your clothes down ontop of your sink, you reach over to the shower faucet and turn on the water. Adjusting the temperature to what you prefer. As you wait in the meantime, you strip down to your bare skin. You check the water temperature again and its at the perfect setting. You chuckle to yourself as you step in, "Couldn't do that again if I tried." You say softly. You lift up the notch on the faucet so the water could rush into the showerhead. The water soon hit your feet and bounced up onto your legs. As you stepped into the flowing stream of water you felt instant relief. The tension in your shoulders subsiding. The muscles in your back relaxing.

After a good 20 minutes you shut off the water completely and step out. Grabbing a towel that hung on the rack next to the mirror, you dried yourself off. Quickly you began to put on your clothes as you felt your body grow colder with each second.

Once you finished up you opened the door and were, of course, greeted by Zelda. She looked up at you innocently as you picked her up into your arms. "Hello babygirl-" You said as you began to pet her, walking over to your living room couch. As you sit down you place her gently on your legs, getting your phone out to see the time. You had about 30 minutes before you had to leave. "You're gonna meet a new face today Zel- Are you excited?" You said sweetly as she meowed back at you, causing you to laugh slightly.


You closed the door to your place as you waved goodbye to your sweet little furbaby. Assuring her that you would only be gone for a couple hours. You made your way into the car and started it up. Connecting your phone to bluetooth you jammed out all the way to the airport. Thankfully traffic wasn't too bad on the way there.

Walking into the airport you looked around ans sat in the waiting area. Not really knowing what gate or terminal Ted was going to be coming through but. You knew he was going to walk to the main entrance.

Some time passed until you heard a ding come from your phone. You lifted it and there it read a message from Ted. "Hey bug, just landed. I'll be making my way to the main entrance in a couple minutes. Love you, see you soon!" It read, and you smiled. Quickly texting back an affirmation and an 'I love you' back. You sat there anxious. Happy yet you had these butterflies in your stomach.

Most nights you spent over the phone with him when you both had time. It was cute and very sweet. Yet to finally be able to see him in person again just made you so happy. Believe it or not it had been a couple months since you too began dating. You continued to peer your head back and forth. Not sure which direction he was going to come from. Eventually you stood up from your seat, looking to your left you saw him about 200 feet away. You're feet began to move faster than your brain, practically sprinting over to him as he held open his arms.

It wasn't long till you almost tackled him into a hug. "Awh- Hi baby." He said with a grunt, chuckling afterwards. "I missed you so much." You said into his chest. "I missed you too." He said laying his head on yours. It felt like time had stopped for a while as you stood there for a moment in each others arms. It wasn't long until you both let go and looked at each other. Smiling and going in for a kiss. One of the best feelings was kissing someone you love after a long time. You couldn't help but smile all the way through the kiss.

After your cute little moment you both began to head out of the airport and into your car. "I'm so excited to have you here. I wanna take you to so many places." You say happily. "That's fine with me. Anywhere with you is a pleasure." He said looking over at you sweetly.

The traffic on the way back was a little more egregious, but you handled it pretty well. Outside of cursing some people out. Which made Ted cackle at times. You almost sounded like Cr1tikal with the insults you were slinging. But you both got to the house safe and sound with all of Ted's luggage. Once you both entered it was almost instantaneous meows. "I know babygirl- I know. I'm back-" You said as you were taking your shoes off, "Hello- hello baby. I brought someone to meet you." You said as you picked her up and held her, turning around to face Ted. He finished taking off his shoes and came over to pet Zelda. "Hey there little kitty. I'm Ted." He said softly as he scratched right behind her ears. She began to purr softly. "Ooh she likes that a lot apparently." You said as you offered for him to take her. Ted extends his hands out accepting your offer and continues to pet her. "Damn she's really content with you." You said kinda surprised.

Ted chuckled lightly. "Is that a good or a bad thing?" He asked. "Fantastic. Because I was worried how she was gonna treat you, nonetheless strangers." You say as you watch Ted walk over to your couch and sit down. "Do you want anything to eat? Maybe a drink?" You offered. "Uhh, not really hungry right now but I could go for a drink. What do you have?" He asked. You open your fridge and look through it for a moment. "I got milk, lemonade, some generic brand of lemon lime soda. I also got water through the dispenser." You said looking over at him as he pondered for a moment. "Uhh... ya know what. The generic soda sounds fine." He said looking over at you with a small smile. You smiled back at him for a moment as you began to turn around to your cup cabinet. "Kinda ironic that the milkman himself doesn't want milk." You say with a chuckle. Grabing one of your tall plastic cups, you place it on the counter and fill it with the soda. Being careful not to pour too quick.

Once you put the soda away, you made your way over to the couch and delivered Ted's drink to him. "I don't drink milk that often ya know." He said while grabbing the cup. "Yeah I know, I was just teasin'." You say with a smile. You lay your head on his shoulder for a moment before Zelda decides that she also wanted to be apart of the cuddle party. "Oop- Hi Zel-" You said as you almost got a paw to the mouth. Ted laughed for a moment as you sat there with almost a confused look on your face as Zelda just began tapping at your face. "Zelda what the heck-" You started to laugh slightly, knowing that this wasnt her normal behavior. You grab her for a moment and place her onto her back gently, giving her belly rubs. "Before you poke my eye out you little rascal." You and Ted both chuckle at your comment.

For a while you and Ted sat there chatting. He thought you wouldn't notice but he snuck his arm around your neck at one point. You thought it was cute honestly and it was just great to have him close to you again.

heheheh enjoy my gremlins

Lots of love 💕 -Ete/Onyx

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