• Chapter One •

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The sun shined through the blinds covering your window. Sunlight grazing over parts of your body, making it warm to the touch. You groggily sat up from your bed, blinded by the incoming light from your window. Shielding your eyes to save what you can of your vision. You look over at your alarm clock, it states 9:38am. You quietly groan to yourself, wishing that you would have just slept in a little bit longer.

You reach over to your phone, unplugging it from the charger. Swiping away any notifications that don't mean anything. That was until one caught your eye. It was a twitter dm, from who? Quickly you decided to open it, not getting many direct messages from people. You looked at the handle and pondered if you had seen it before. '@TedNivison, who's that?' You think to yourself. Finally you glance down at the text.

Hello! You've been big news lately, and I've been watching some of your content. I was wondering if you would want to come onto a podcast I host? It's totally fine if you dont want to. I've just been really enjoying your content and figured I'd reach out.

Oh yeah that's right. You had recently gained a boost in popularity because one of your youtube videos went viral. For a moment you hesitated to text this person back. Deciding to do a quick check on who this person actually was.
You went over as much common knowledge as you could. Even decided to take a little time to watch an episode of their podcast. You had heard of these people but never actually put names to their faces. Above that the podcast was pretty funny, you caught on really quick with all the contrasting humor between this man and his friends.

You decided that this person seemed safe and trust worthy, so why not give them a shot? And hey, there's a lot in it for you too. This can seriously help your business and youtube channel.
After about an hour of surfing through the internet doing a "background check", you finally texted this person back.

@(Insert Username)
Hiya! I'm very glad you've been enjoying what I do. I'd absolutely love to come onto your podcast, just let me know when and what time. Thank you so much for reaching out! This helps me a lot. :)

After reading your text over a couple times, you finally hit send. You stretch as you decide its finally time to get out of bed. Letting your feet touch the freezing cold floor. "Jesus fuck." You curse under your breath. "That's one way to wake someone up I guess." You lightly complain as you walk outside your bedroom door, heading towards the kitchen to make breakfast.

After getting your meal together you sit down at your kitchen island and begin scrolling through tiktok. Liking some videos here and there as you periodically shovel food into your mouth. Laughing so hard at one that you almost choke. Eventually you finish your food, and place your dishes in your sink, swearing that you'll wash them later. Just as you are about to put your phone away, it dings with another notification. It's from the man you texted you earlier.

Great! Me and my friends were planning on having the podcast on Monday at 10am PST, or 1pm EST. Is that alright with you? We can move it around in case your busy.

@(Insert Username)
Sounds great with me. Is this gonna be over discord? In which case I can send you my info right now if you need it.

After sending your text, the man replies with a "Yes, that would be great.". You immediately open up discord on your phone and copy your username and send it to him. Adding afterwards, "Just shoot me a text, letting me know it's you :)". Finally putting your phone away so that you can finally get started on the work you needed to get done today. You had custom orders you needed finished today and shipped out by tomorrow so, it was go time.


Listening to your favorite music and finishing up the last order of the day was always the most satisfying. You were bobbing your head to the beat of the song when your phone went off, muffling the music to play a notification sound. You looked over your phone, seeing it was a discord message from twitter dude. Making a mental note to look at it after you finished up cleaning your work area.

As per routine, you threw away any garbage, wiped down the area with a disinfectant wipe, and organized all your tools. Sometimes taking a tool in your hand and using it as a fake microphone while you lip-synced. Finally finished with the cleaning you take your phone into your hand, music still playing as you walk over to your living room. Pausing the music and closing the app once you laid down on the couch.

You took the remote into your hand as you went onto the youtube app. Trying to find anything to watch from your recommended. A vine compilation comes up and you decided, "Why the fuck not?" as you pressed play. After watching for a couple minutes, you suddenly remember the discord message. You scrambled to pick up your phone, dropping it onto your face in the progress. 'Thankfully the screen wasn't on...' You thought to yourself. You rubbed your cheek as you opened up your phone to finally look at the discord message. milkman#4852 sent you a message: yo it's Ted

You chuckled at his user name, replying to his text.

You: really? milkman? lmao, where did that name come from

Milkman: it's a long story lmao.

Milkman: question for you, and its fine if you don't want to, but i figured we could call for a little bit so that we actually get to know each other. Play some minecraft too while were at it?

You: sure I dont see why not, just let me get to my computer real quick.

Grabbing the remote from the floor after you fumbled with your phone, you turn off the TV. You start to make your way to your room and start up your computer. While waiting for it to start up you get a text from Ted. 

Milkman: here's a server for you and me, feel free to do whatever, i turned cheats on

As you opened up minecraft you copied the server IP. Only to realise that minecraft had to download the new update.

You: feel free to call btw, computers on, just waiting for minecraft to download the new update

You reached over to your headphones as you could almost immediately hear the discord jingle. You quickly accepted the call, your shyness quickly finding it's place in your mind. "Hello?" Ted says on the other end. "Uh, hi." You nervously say. "How are you?" He asks, seeming to be a little nervous as well. Not as much as you though. "I'm doing good, how are you?" You kindly ask. "I'm doing great. It's nice to actually talk to you, er-well, I guess meet you. Over the phone." He says as you lightly chuckle. "Same goes for you. Don't take this the wrong way but I didnt even really know who you were this morning. It wasn't until I put two-and-two together that I realised you're a part of the big Minecraft youtube scene that's happening right now." You say as minecraft finally loads up, allowing you to finally get onto the server. "I mean I don't blame you. I'm sure anyone would be confused if I dm-ed them. I've just been watching your content for the past two weeks, honestly some of the funniest stuff I've watched in a while." He replies as he has his minecraft character run over to you and start punching the air. You politely punch the air back. "That really means a lot, thank you." You say with a small blush.

After a while of small talk back and forth between you two. You realise its been 4 hours, and it's pretty late we're you are. "As much as I would love to stay on and finish this among us bean statue, I have to depart. It's very late and im very-" A yawn interrupts your sentence. "-tired." You continue, with a small chuckle. You can hear a light chuckle from Ted. "No worries. Get your rest, sleep well. Again, it was nice meeting you." He says sweetly. "Will do and it was nice meeting you too! I look forward to monday. Anyways, bye bye." You say, hearing Ted offer his goodbye before you exit the discord call.

Walking over to your bed, you check the time once again by glancing at your alarm clock. 11:26pm it reads. It was way past your bedtime. But you felt it was worth it. You got to meet someone new, and he was very sweet. As you begin to snuggle under your blanket and drift off to sleep, you feel a light smile grace you. There was something special about Ted, and you could feel it in your gut...

Hello hello! Welcome to the very first chapter. I haven't seen many Ted stories so I've volunteered to make one. As a heads up, dont expect super consistent updates. I'll try to update as much as I can. I promise that I will finish this story no matter what.

Aside from that, I really hope you enjoyed, leave some feedback if you want to. And yeah, love y'all 🥰❤️

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