• Chapter Nine •

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Uh hey. Been a little longer than I wanted it to be since I last hit y'all with an update but... Adulting sucks. Lmao. Either way, enjoy <3
(Also yes, the chapter photo is one I took myself!)


For most of the car ride you and Ted spent time talking about nonsensical things. Such things like, "Are Birds even real?" or "Who is Captain Crunch really?". It was about an hour into the car ride that Ted had told you to cover your eyes. "Ya' know. This trip wouldn't have been this long if we didn't hit school traffic." Ted says. "To be fair, it wasn't either of our faults that Schlatt and Charlie's flights were in the afternoon." You reply, Ted giving a shrug you couldn't see, but heard. "Fair 'Nuff" He said as you could hear him tapping his fingers on the steering wheel.

You getting tired of the silence, reach for the radio with you eyes closed. Gaining a chuckle from Ted. "What're you trying to do?" He asks as you finally find the volume button. "Moosic." You reply smiling. You turn up the volume but nothing happens. "Aw frick-" You reply seeing as the radio wasn't on and your phone isn't connected. Even if you wanted to connect it you couldn't uncover your eyes. "What tired of talking to me already?" Ted jokes as you flip him off jokingly. "I love talking to you, you know that. I'm just awkward and hate silence." You reply as you rub one of your eyes cause it was itching. "No peeking, we're almost there." Ted replies with a smirk.

"I hope you know closing my eyes doesn't make a whole lot of sense. I've never been to LA, how would I know where you're taking me." You retort with a small giggle. "Don't question my logic, it's a very special place to me. I like to come to this place when I'm feeling burnt out or just, stressed I guess." You heard Ted reply as you feel the car slowing down. "Alright we're here but, you still can't open your eyes yet. Not until I tell you to. Okay?" He pleads. "Roger that Cap'in." You reply unbuckling yourself as you heard Ted do the same. You wait to open your car door, waiting for Ted to get out and reach the other side first.

Soon enough your right hand is being engulfed in Ted's as he leads you out of the car. "Ted I swear you better not be leading me to my death right now. This is the bad start of a horror movie-" You say chuckling, hearing Ted do the same. "Awh come on, what do you take me for? I'm the milk man, I sell milk. Not kill people with it." He says as you follow his lead. "Yeah, and next thing I know I'm being choked to death by milk. Gargling the word, 'Fuuuck.'" You say with a laugh, gaining one from Ted as well.

"I wonder if you could get a Darwin Award for a death like that." Ted says as you butt in rather quickly, "This date is somehow taking a strange turn." You laugh. "You're the one who thinks I'm trying to lead you to your death! You started this conversation." He says in a joking defense. "You right. When you're right, you're right." You say smiling widely. After what seems like a good 5 minutes, Ted finally takes you too what he calls, "Ted's Thinking Territory". He said he called it that for, "Alliteration purposes.".

"Hey twinkle toes, can I open my eyes now?" You joke. "Gimme two more seconds." He says as you can hear him walking around. "One... Two.... Three... Four..." You count with a smirk on your face. "Smartass!" He replies from a distance. "Mofo- where did you even walk off to?" You say as you spin slightly trying to discern where your best friend walked off too. "I went to go get something I wanted to show you. Now you can open your eyes." He says as you heard him grow closer.

As your eyes adjust to the light again, you squint and look over at Ted for a moment. "It bright. Owie." You say smiling while rubbing your eyes. Once you finally adjust you look at what's around you.

Ontop of a cliff, looking over the city of Los Angeles. A beautiful start to a sunset is on the horizon. You stand there in awe, taking in the view. "Holy shit Ted..." You say as you walk closer to the edge. Sitting down a good five feet away from the edge you take the whole scene in. A shutter sound of a camera comes from behind you as you see Ted has taken a picture of you. Another shutter sounds as he took another one of you facing him.

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