• Chapter Fourteen •

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As you were making your way to a pet store close by, you decided to grab something to eat. You pulled into a Wendy's drive-through, ordered, and waited to pay. Checking your phone you had a message from Ted.

My Love 💕
"Whenever you get your cat you should send me a picture! I wanna see the sweet baby."

You smiled as you turned around quickly and took a picture of the sleeping kitty. Quickly sending it to Ted.

"Here's the baby! It's a girl so she was named Zelda. I love her so much. She's got a couple of medical stuff that I gotta take care of but nothing I can't handle."

You texted back quickly. As you gave your card to the person at the window. You'd been waiting in a long line of people and you weren't in a complete rush. They handed back your card promptly and you moved forward in the line. Checking your phone again you saw that Ted texted a couple of emojis, excited over your cat.

As you smile you put down your phone again and moved forward in the line, grabbing your food and checking it. You then left once you saw you had everything. Making your way over to PetSmart.

After a ten-minute drive and a couple of songs, you finally arrive at a little strip mall that had a Petsmart in it. You grabbed the kennel your cat was sleeping in and walked over to the store. Entering you hear a little bell ring as you walk forward and search around. Grabbing a basket you began looking at small toys and boxes for cat towers. You picked up a couple of toys you thought Zelda might like and began to observe the cat towers closer. You didn't want anything too big or too small.

It was then that you saw the picture on one of the boxes and it was perfect.

You picked up the box and walked over to the counter, placing it down along with the basket. Taking things out for the cashier to scan. You had small chit-chat as the items beeped. You thanked them, grabbed your stuff, and walked out.

Getting back into your car you place Zelda back into the backseat. Starting up the car you make your way home. Excited and happy you drive quickly yet responsibly. 

Eventually, you finally get home, seemingly after a couple of hours. You take in the kennel first and let the cat roam around your place. Allowing them to get used to the area. You make your way back outside to get the rest of the items, making sure to lock your car once you were finished. Heading back inside the house you can hear the pitter-patter of Zelda. You made sure your office door was closed, that way she wouldn't make a mess of anything you had in there. You began to set up a couple of things that you had in a storage closet. Your parents had given you old items they had for previous pets so you decided that you would eventually reuse them. And today was finally the day you could.

You began to place the old food bowls down onto the floor, making sure they were clean. The woman at the shelter had given you a small bag of food for Zelda so that you could use it to incorporate it into newer foods to give her. After placing the food in the bowl you grabbed the water bowl and walked over to the sink to go fill it up. Once it was filled enough you slowly walked back and placed it on the ground. You made a mental note to get some more items for your furbaby tomorrow.

As you were walking around getting things prepared for your cat you began to hear your phone ring from your pocket. Taking it out and turning on the screen you saw it was a call from Ted, you answered almost immediately. "Hello my love, what's up?" You answered as you put the phone into the crook of your shoulder. "Hello baby. Nothing much, just figured I would call you. See how you were doin' with the cat." He said as you could hear him shifting around on the other end. "Doing good, just been setting up her food bowls and her bed. Both of which my parents gave me a year or so ago. I did however buy her a very nice cat tower. One that can fit in my small ass house." You finished off the sentence with a chuckle. 

You heard him chuckle lightly as well. "That's cool. Is she used to the place yet?" He asked, "Not completely. It's probably going to be a while before she gets completely comfortable but that's okay." You say as you lay down some toys for her to play with. Finishing up, you walk over to your couch and plop down. "Oh- I had something I wanted to ask you about-" Ted said as if he was racking around his brain for a moment. "So I know its only been a couple days since we last saw each other but- I wanted to make plans for us to hangout again. Maybe this time though I could come to your place?" He asked sweetly.

It made your cheeks hurt smiling at the thought. "Absolutely. What time are you looking for?" You asked as you opened up your calendar app. "I was thinking about 2 weeks from now. Only because I have a couple projects I gotta finish up and it might be the cheapest for plane tickets." He says as you can hear the smile in his speech. "Uhhh- Yep! That works for me. I'm free. Not that I have much planned. I'm not a busy man like you Nivison." You joked. "Look (N/N) I'm a business man." He said with a chuckle, him giving you a nickname made your heart flutter. "Keep using that nickname, I like it." You replied. "Noted!" He said happily.

For a while you both sat on the phone chatting about plans. How Ted wanted to stay at your place for a week and head back fo Cali. Where you guys would go to hang out, outside of the house. Places to eat, dates. All the fun little things. Maybe even film a youtube video or something together. Every moment you spoke to each other filled you with such euphoria. This feeling of unconditional love.

Whilst you both were still on the phone, you continued to talk while Ted was slowly falling asleep. It was quite cute and you knew he'd been working all day. You decided to join him on the train to Sleepy Time Junction. "Do you want me to let you go so you can get some sleep baby?" You asked him. "Mm mm. I wanna stay on the phone even if I fall asleep." He says exhausted. "Does it help you sleep better?" You asked him as you heard a hum of agreement. "You're so cute, you know that?" You retorted as  you heard a slight chuckle on his end. "I could never... You're the cutest.." He said as his words slowly became more slurred. It was at this point you just let him drift off to sleep. Following closely behind after plopping your head onto your pillow.


Lots of Love 💞 -Ete/Onyx

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