• Chapter Twelve •

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Ayo my little bagel bites its YA BOI, skINNY PENI-
Lmao anyways, its been a while and I thought I would bless you's with a delightful chapter. I AM GOING TO FINISH THIS BOOK I PROMISE.. Anyways- go read... shoo-

It was another busy work day for you. You went shopping shortly after you woke up to get some materials after you had run out yesterday. Since then however, you had been busting your ass and completing over 30 orders, beating your record of yesterday. "Jesus fucking- did the podcast really boost me that much??" You said looking at the new influx of orders. Yesterday the numbers had shown 150, it was now 196. "This is a lot for just me to handle but- I ain't got nothing else." You said to yourself, working on some smaller products.

It didn't dawn on you that you really hadn't eaten anything until your stomach growled and curled in a slight pain. "Agh, shit- Well I guess it's pizza time." You say reaching for your phone and checking it. You and Ted hadn't talked to much today, you both were pretty busy as it was and you weren't too worried about it. Here and there you both would text each other a small 'I love you'.

You began to dial the pizzeria you normally order from, hearing it ring on the other end. You chat with the girl on the other side of the phone, telling her the things you wanted and asked for delivery. You made sure you had cash in your wallet for things like this. As you waited for your food to arrive you took a moment to take a break and text Ted.

"Hey bug! I'm taking a small break for right now waiting for some good ol' pizza to arrive. I also got a couple other things because my tummy is screaming at me lol. But I hope you're having fun and I loves you!!! ❤️"

You send the message and exit out of the app, going into youtube to watch random stuff. Wanting to pass the time and distract yourself from your aching stomach.

You found yourself going down a rabbit hole and watching all of Ted's videos for the hell of it. You thought he was absolutely adorable in all of them. However a ring from your doorbell would take you out of your daze. You got up from your work chair and walked over to your front door. You unlocked the latch and there was your food.
"(Y/N) (L/N)? Right?" The delivery girl asked. "Yup that's me! Thank you so much." You said taking the food out of her hands and placing them down on the small hallway table next to the door. You grab out your wallet from your back pocket and pay her the money for the food and a 15 dollar tip. "Thank you, have a nice day!" She says with a cheery tone. "You too, thank you!" You lightly yell out your door.

Once the door was closed and locked you felt your mouth water over the smell of the food. "Awh hell yeah." You said enthusiastically taking your food over to your kitchen island. As you begin to dig into your food, your phone buzzes in your pocket. Placing your food down you grab your phone and open it to see a text from the person you loved.

My Love 💕
"Hey snugglebear, pizza sounds pretty bomb right now so I'm a little jealous. But filming has been going well, very very tired tho. Might just hit my bed when I get home. I'm just happy to record a music video for someone. How cool is that?"

You smile widely down at your phone. He's so enthusiastic about making things and it fills your heart knowing he's doing what he loves. Your smile subsides when you think to yourself about how you would want to be there with him. Watching the joy and laughter irradiate around him. As you begin to dissociate you blankly stare at your food. Your mind plaguing you with thoughts of overthinking and fixation brewing. It wasn't until the sound of your food falling over that you snapped back to reality. Was this really what you wanted?

You sat there sadly eating your food and thinking over all the negative thoughts coarsing through your head. "I need to talk to someone about this." You thought to yourself. You picked up the phone, quickly replying to Ted about how happy you were for him and then immediately going over to DM Charlie on discord.

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