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No one's POV

It was dark in Eren's mind.

Eren heard the words of someone... But who?

"Who is that speaking to me..." He mumbled quietly. A loud scream was made in his ear. He jumped and closed his eyes.

He slowly turned around to see a door. He didn't want to go to it, but his body made him.

He slowly opened the door prepared for anything...

He stopped when he noticed himself in a kitchen. A very familiar kitchen.

"You never do anything right do you?" A loud scream was made.

"Who is that..." Eren mumbled to himself.

He slowly walked closer to the blinded people. His vision then changed. He was standing infront of a male still in the kitchen.

A scream came from Eren's mouth. "I'm screaming... But why?"


Eren's father always made Eren touch the hot stove when he did something bad."P-Please no more!"

"Fight!" Someone spoke quietly into his ear.

He screamed louder trying to pull away from his fathers grip. "LET GO!" He yelled and fell to the floor. He closed his eyes out of pain before slowly opening them up.

He noticed people all around him. He blinked a couple of times before realizing he was cold.

So very cold on his body. He sat up and realized he was naked. "No... Not this again. Please no..."

Eren was pinned down with his ass in the air. One guy slowly jacked off Eren leaving him to fight against his will. The other male shoved himself raw into Eren's hole.

He cried out and tried to get away from the people. "No... Stop please no more!" He cried and slowly looked up to see his father watching very amused.

"Eren. I bet you won't disrespect me anymore."

That's right. Eren remember he asked his father for a simple toy since he had none his whole childhood. All he wanted was a cheap toy to play with and to his father, Eren was disrespecting him.

He groaned loudly out of pain and closed his eyes tightly before his eyes opened again.

"Happy birthday to you...! Happy birthday to you! Happy birthday to Alex... Happy birthday to you!" Everyone cheered for the female name Alex. Eren cheered also and clapped.


Who was Alex?

Alex was Eren's twin sister. They almost looked the exact same. She was treated way better than Eren. She had friends, toys, and most importantly, love.

When it was Eren's turn. He sat at his table waiting paitently for any of his friends to arrive. When they did he happily showed them to his table only for them to run off to Alex.

Envy was such a quick thing for Eren. He always was jealous that Alex had got all the attention. But did he hate her? Oh no... How could he...

He chose to ignore the fact his own friends didn't want to celebrate his birthday with him. He waited for his mom and dad to come and give him his cake but that didn't happen.

He slowly walked over to his mother and asked, "Is it my turn...?"

"Your turn?" She asked as she stared down at the younger brunette. "For what." She said harshly.

"To celebrate my birthday too..." He fidget with his hands and shuffled a bit waiting for his mothers response.

"No. You don't deserve a birthday at all. Why do you think we didn't fucking decorate for you. Your so fucking selfish Eren."

Carla slapped him so hard he's never felt any type of pain like that before. He backed up and hit the table on his head before quickly moving away from his mom.

He ran into the living room and saw no presents on Eren's side only on Alex's.

Eren decorated his side with the stuff that his mom and dad used left over. It wasn't the best but it was supposed to be good enough for him and his friends.

He frowned and stared at the wall that had no decorations for him. He decided not to be a pain and just be happy.

He cheered for Alex when she opened up all of her gifts.

They then celebrated by dancing with eachother. Anytime Eren tried to dance with his sister she would push him away and his mom and dad would pull him out of the living room.

"Go upstairs now." Grisha spat giving a hard slap to Eren's head.

He quickly ran off trying to stop his childish tears as he liked to call them.

He laid on the floor and curled up into a ball. It seemed like it only had been a second, but Eren remembered this like it was yesterday. 4 hours had past when Grisha walked in with his friends.

He sat up and scootched back into the corner where the spider webs laid.

"No." He knew... "No please no..." He tried to run away from his dad and friends but one of them caught him.

They had raped him atleast over 8 times nonstop.


Eren's mind soon went black. He was back into his older form. He was staring at darkness. He dropped to his knees and cried.

"LET ME OUT!" He yelled so very loudly but only met with echos...

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