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Eren's POV

It's been two years since I've started my painting journey... I realized time went faster when I was with Levi. He was my everything and I didn't want to let him go.

I never cheated on him, he never cheated on me, we never had much arguements surprisingly... And even if we had one, we got over it and moved on.

Today was the day I was going to ask Levi to marry me. I was proud of myself for having everything so set up. I wonder if Levi is having confusion on why I haven't been home all day.

He's blown up my phone and I did answer because I don't want him to worry. I also called him while I decorated smirking that he didn't even know what was gonna happen today.

As of now I was waiting for Levi to get in the car. We both were matching and looking good. My friends all were going to be there but hiding for when I purpose. They then we're gonna come out and clap and then they were gonna get their little asses out so I can make love with Levi in our private area.

Levi sat happily and I rubbed his thigh as I began to drive off. "Are we going on a date?" He asked happily.

"If you want to call it that, then yes my love." I smirked and kissed his cheek when we stopped at a red light.

He was full of excitement and I loved that I could see it everyday. It made me so very happy that he was happy about all of this.

We made it and I covered his eyes as we walked to our private area. I sat him down before opening his eyes. His eyes widened and he smiled so very brightly.

"This is so beautiful Eren! Thank you!" He said before I kissed his soft cheek the second time today and sat down at my seat.

I glanced around knowing that everyone was in their places. I can even see Hanji taking pictures. I tried not to laugh at Hanji getting shoved around and I focused on my lover infront of me.

He was smiling and telling me how his painting career slightly took off. Yes, Levi and I both now have made our own business that are taking off slowly like anyone else's business would.

Mines was writing and getting my stuff plubished, his was art and I honestly had to say writing and arts are two different things but we both fit well together.

After we finished out food, we ate our desserts. I held Levi's hand under the table and with my free hand I ate the dessert and finished my drink. We both stood up and walked to the end of the cliff.

Levi gasped at the sight and blushed. I then had another thing coming for him. A helicopter flew down to where we were and I let go of his hand.

Levi gasped at the sudden impact of wind flowing our way. While he wasn't looking I grabbed the flowers that Jean quickly gave me and got on one knee and pulled out my box.

The helicopter opened up the door and had a big paper saying, "Look at your fiancé." They smirked at Levi.

Levi was confused before slowly looked at me. He looked down and he jumped slightly and covered his mouth.

"Levi... You've changed me for the better... I love you so very much... Will you... Marry me?" I blushed as I spoke.

Tears slowly fell down his eyes and he nodded and mumbled a lot of yes. I smiled and stood up kissing him slightly. He kissed me back before I gave him the flowers.

"Hold your hand out." I said calmly.

He did as told and I put the ring on his finger and smiled at him. Everyone came out and clapped making Levi confused before he saw everyone. He gasped again making me smile.

"Cute." I mumbled.

He looked back at me and smiled widely. I kissed him softly before we both pulled back.

We held hands as everyone cheered all round us. This was the best...

Levi's POV

This was... The best thing that could have ever happened to me. Im grateful for Eren coming into my life...

I'm sad to say... But Im so very grateful my parents were abusive enough to make me runaway to meet Eren...

Oh gosh... Im gonna cry again.


3rd POV

"I do..." Eren spoke as he looked into Levi's silver blueish eyes.

"And you Levi?" (Does it the lazy way...)

"I do..." Levi blushed.

"Eren Yeager and Levi Yeager, I now present you, Husband and Husband! You may now kiss the groom." He stepped back and bowed down.

They kissed softly and roughly waiting for this after another year.

They held hands and skipped down the isle together not caring if they looked goofy.

Everyone clapped for them and howled their names. This was the best day of their lives and never wanted to forget about it... Ever.


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