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Levi's POV

In the blink of the eye, all I heard was, "LEVI NO!" What happened? I slowly opened my eyes to see myself on the floor of the cafe and people screaming.

I slowly felt no pain but in my knees. I then looked around slowly. "E-Eren?" I looked at the body on the floor. Blood around him. "EREN! NO NO NO!" I crawled over to him and saw his eyes opened slightly. I put my hand on his bloody spot to stop the bleeding. I checked his pulse quickly.


I cried as I held onto him trying to stop all the bleeding that was pouring out of him. "Eren stay with me okay..." I said as I heard sirens. "Your gonna make it okay? You hear me?" I said harshly more towards myself than him.

He slowly looked at me with halfway closed eyes. His hand slowly touched mines as he stared at me. "I-I-Love... You." His eyes closed...

"Eren." I said quietly as I grabbed his hand. I felt his pulse with blood hands.

I then dropped my hands.

I stared at the figure and cried... I screamed... Loudly. Not caring if anyone heard or if anyone cared.



The next thing you know is your in a car of the ambulance to the hospital staring at your loved one.

Tears stopped piling down. I felt numb. So very numb. I held Eren's hand and stared down at the floor thinking about how I was going to live without Eren...

"1...2...3... Clear." The man besides Eren spoke trying to get him back alive.

I had no faith... Almost like Eren knew it was his time. Why must he protect me? Why did he protect me...?

You big idiot...

"Come on! We're losing him."

Losing him...? You already lost him. I then felt a twitch.

I dropped Eren's hand and my eyes widened. Did... Eren just twitch? I-Is he still alive? No... How?

I grabbed his hand and rubbed it softly. "Please Eren." I kissed his hand. Now I have faith.

"ONE TWO THREE..." My eyes widened when they yelled again, "WE GOT SOMETHING. AGAIN."

"ONE TWO THREE." Is all I heard and my heart breaking everytime they said they lost him and got him back. He's fighting it...

And then I heard it. "WE GOT HEARTBEATS."

I almost jumped up like a kid once their mom said they were gonna go get fucking ice cream.

I held his hand tightly and felt tears finally coming back to me. My fighter...


It's been a week since then. I found out my mom was obviously trying to fucking kill me. She was arrested and so was my father.

Eren's gang heard what happened. Mikasa was pissed at me but everyone else saw Eren to be a knight for me. He wanted to protect me.

He risked his own life to keep me alive.

I never left Eren's sight in the hospital. Though his gang told me to leave him for atleast a day I couldnt. I had nowhere to go but stay with him.

They only wanted me to go due to the fact I had really bad anxiety that anytime I came back into the room from getting something to eat or talking to the doctors, I would quickly check his pulse and check if he was breathing.

I was scared that once I come back or I wake up he will be gone...

Just now I woke up from a nap and quickly checked his pulse. He was breathing perfectly fine but looked sweaty. I quickly grabbed the little fan and let the wind hit all over Eren's pale face.

The door opened up to reveal one of the doctors, she allowed me to call her Lilly.

"How's it going Lilly?" I asked quietly.

"Well..." She looked down at her papers. "Eren's doing better than he was two days ago. He is having some time of crisis in his mind though..."

"What?" I raised an eyebrow at her.

"Crisis in his mind, known as nightmares. His breathing is slightly rapid..."

I stared at Eren. "Is that why he's sweating so much?"

"Possibly. It's a never ending nightmare because he can't wake up. It must be severe and you must be careful with him because if he doesn't wake up from any of his dreams he will die. Try to speak to him calmly in his ear once in awhile. Mostly when he's sweating."

I nodded slightly as she began to use some needles. I wanted to know why but maybe it was for his blood? I don't know.

We talked some more about his health before she left and told me she would be back later. Eren was still sweating so I guess it was my time to make him feel better?

I slowly moved closer to him and let the wind blow over the both of us. "Eren... It's Levi my love. When you get out of this I'll love on you so much. We can quit that job too and just take a break. We can go out on dates, cuddle, movies... And your favorite thing to do... Sex." I mumbled slightly embarrassed. "Fight these nightmares my love..."

His hand twitched slightly making me squeeze it. They told me usually when his hand twitches it means he's fighting for his life. It almost made me slightly interested but I don't like that it was happening to my Eren.

"Please fight them. I'm cheering you on..."

I kissed his soft lips before going back to my normal spot and held his hand softly.

I missed him so much... I just want to hear him...

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