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We ran out the mall and back towards my shop. He unlocked his car and stuffed everything inside including my guitar.

"Come on. I'll take you to that dump."

"That dump is my new home." I growled as I got inside.

I realized his car was really fancy...

"Yeah whatever." He smirked as he started to drive.

"So what? Your a rich killer bastard."

"Your tone makes me want to choke you." He said playfully but to me it scared me slightly. "But yes. I am a rich killer bastard and I'm very proud of it."

"Mm... What kind of house do you live in?"

"It's a typical mansion of course. Not too big though. Its not also so small.. I live with my gang. There's a lot of them who are mostly taken already." He shrugged.

"So you must be one of them who aren't taken." I asked calmly.

"You can say that. But that doesn't mean I don't have bitches." He smirked as he looked at me from the side. "You can be my next." He shrugged as he drove.

I blushed at his boldness before looking right at him. "No thank you. I'm 18."

"I'm a killer, do you think I care about age?" He laughed slightly. "I'm not someone to rape though. I wouldn't go lower than 15." He shrugged.

"15 is still a bad age you idiot." I said without any meaning.

"But do I care?" He looked at me when we stopped at a red light. "No."

I stayed quiet for the rest of the ride, when we got there, he gave me my guitar and walked me to my door. I smiled slightly when we looked at eachother.

"Maybe we can do something else instead of stealing." He suggested. "But for now, text me later, yeah?" He smirked.

"S-sure." I rolled my eyes as I opened up the door and stepped inside. I turned around to see him standing there.

"See you tomorrow most likely."

"... See you tomorrow killing someone else..." I mumbled which he heard. He laughed as he walked to his car, still laughing as he opened the door and started the car. He stopped laughing and looked through the window before flipping me off and laughing again.

He drove off leaving me standing there. I shut the door and locked it, leaning against the wall. I smiled slightly.. For some reason I like his attitude and his sarcasm. Possibly because he reminds me of myself also.

I stayed still before going over to the guitar. I began to play it out of borden of now being alone.


Clicking noises...

Just say something Levi.. Gosh...


Aho? Who's this?

It's Levi.

Oh? It's been a week. What's up?

Nothing much.. I'm just bored.

Oh. I would love to help but I'm kinda with someone right now. I'll see you later.

Oh sorry for disturbing, see you.


I frowned slightly almost feeling jealous. But that didn't mean he was doing anything... Right?

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