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It was Saturday now and it was time for me to take Levi on a date. We both were dressed, we were matching actually.

I had to say, Levi looked adorable looking like my future husband.

Before when I got caught, Levi had ignored me and asked for the rest of my weapons and if I didn't give it to him he would've left me or slapped me which I was not afraid of him slapping me.

I gave him all of it and then he took it and took MY car and left to give it to the rest of the gang.

But anyway...

Now we were driving off to the date my hand on his thigh like always. He was eager to go on this date...


When we got there he was amazed by the fancy stuff outside. A fancy restaurant? No. We were on a cliff where me and my gang came to help me out decorate.

"This is so beautiful Eren!"

I smiled and kissed his cheeks and pulled him to our little dining area. We had steak, asparagus, mash potatoes and two german drinks I drink alot, called, Riga.

I sat him down politely and went to my seat. I sat down and smirked as he looked at his plate. "This looks good." He smiled at me. "What's this drink?"

"It's called Riga from German. Try it." i said as I picked up my drink. He did the same and we both took a sip before putting it down.

He smiled even wider making me feel happy. "It's really good!"

We began to eat our dinner and he complimented everything. We watched the water from below and held hands and also had a little makeout session that I caused.

We went back home and started to kiss eachother some more.

Our clothes were off, our bodies were together, we were happy...


Couple of days has past and I was dreading to kill someone. I was so tired of this little policy. I'm really tired of stupid people disrespecting me. It makes me so mad... Everytime I just want to beat them until they die, but then Levi stopped me and pulls me off like some bitch.

That pisses me off.

I groaned and sat up. Levi sat up with me and put his book down. "What?"

"I'm bored." I mumbled.

"Uh.." He stood up and looked at me. He studied me for awhile before saying, "No."

"No what?"

"Nope. Your not gonna get me to let you kill people. Your not. Next time you try it i'll leave. And I'm telling you the truth."

I stared at him and sighed. "I know." Mikasa texted me telling me how she felt about Levi. He's not trying to control me at all, he just wants me to be safe and doesn't want to deal with the doubt. I'm following my own orders and listening to him.

It's annoying, but still I do it because I don't want him to leave me.

"Then stop worrying about it Eren... Let's go do something instead."



After we got ready we walked, hand in hand and got weird stares from people. I rolled my eyes not really caring about what people have to say. Well actually I do fucking care but as long as Levi didn't care then I shouldn't.

Though, once this guy started to hit on Levi I lost it.

"Hey shorty. How you doin walking with this guy? He causing you any trouble?" The tall guy asked.

I clenched my free hands fist and waited for Levi to respond.

"No. He's my boyfriend actually." Levi said swinging his arm with mines to show the guy that were holding hands.

"Dump him for me? He looks like a total wreck. Bet he's not rich."

Levi let out a laugh making me smirk slightly already knowing. "Your funny. But you don't know him." He went back to his monotone voice.

"I don't want to know him. I'm tryna know you." He tapped Levi's ass.

"Alright buddy that's it." I moved Levi away from me and cracked my knuckles.

"No Eren no!" He grabbed my hand.

"What's this punk gonna fucking do?"

"Ima show you what Ima fucking do. I'm gonna send you 6 feet under." I cracked my neck and stood tall.

Levi tried to push me away from the guy but I wasn't having it. He just disrespected me to a whole different level by touching my fucking property.

I punched him right in his nose sending him backwards and on the floor. He sat their first a moment and shook his face before standing up. He got into fighting position but I knocked him back down.


I got ontop of him and kept punching him repeatedly. "You can talk shit about me but don't you EVER. Touch my fucking property." I hit him one last time and stood up.

Levi finally pushed me away from him only because I allowed him to. I shook my hands off to get the blood off of me.

Levi glared daggers at me as we walked. I walked off like nothing happened.

"Anyway. Where do you want to go?" I asked calmly.

"What the fuck Eren!"


Instead we went back home and Levi gave me a lecture on what to do what not to do. What I was able to do was walk away, what I wasn't able to do was, fight, kill, or talk shit.

"He touched you that's harassment."

"When I was wearing a skirt that one day you touched me. That's also harassment." He folded his arms.

"I didn't touch your fucking ass I touched your skirt. Don't fucking test me right now."

He rolled his eyes at me before saying, "Do you think he's dead?" His hands started to shake. "Your hands are all over him Eren!"

"He's not dead love. Trust me. I checked to make sure he's fine."

"Tch. Whatever Eren. Just please don't fight someone again no matter how mad you get. You can take your anger out on me." His voice sounded playful for some reason.

"Why the fuck would I do that?"

"Not hurt me Eren... Just... Fuck the living shit out of me until you feel better."

I smile pursed my lips. "Oh Levi you have no idea what you just got yourself into.

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