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You met Amane and Tsukasa when you were 3, well, mostly Tsukasa. You only met Amane fully after Tsukasa wanted you to. (He was still sick). When 13, you and Amane finally become a couple. Tsukasa didn't like the fact the only thing Amane ever wanted to do, would be to hang out with you.

Once he started getting more violent, he banned his older sibling from seeing you. But that didn't stop him. You and Amane always saw each other under the cherry tree that *used* sat behind the school.

You knew Tsukasa didn't like you, and you were okay with that. You didn't know where the marks on Amane were coming from, though. You knew he was bullied, but you were still worried.

After you both gave away the rock you both found to your teacher, you received a bracelet from Amane under the tree that night as a 'thank you'. You didn't want to accept it, but he refused to take it back, therefore, you still have it to this day.

A week after that, Tsukasa had you follow him to the roof. There, he stabbed you and threw you off the roof. Amane didn't know about it until a day later.

This made him depressed. He constantly was bullied after you left, and he'd cry himself to sleep, and so on. He didn't know who did it, but he swore to himself he would get payback.

After about two more weeks, he found out Tsukasa did it, and he lost it. He ended up killing him but instantly regretted it, causing him to stab himself as well.

After that, he ended up becoming Hanako.

Meanwhile, you were a spirit that sat under neath the cherry tree most of the time, being upset about your life before, and strongly missing your love. You'd see him sometimes, normally crying and saying things like "I'm sorry" and stuff about saving you. It made you want to hug him, but you knew you couldn't.

You were able to move off school grounds, as not being bound to the school, but chose to stay under the tree where lots of your favorite memories lay.

Hanako ended up finding you, and you both recognized each other immediately. Reunited again, you both felt happier and more lively. Since, you've been known as school mystery zero, Mioai-chan of the cherry tree. Here's your rumor.

"Hey. Do you know Mioai-chan? School mystery No. 0? They say she rests under the cherry tree. Like Hanako-san, she'll grant you a wish if you can see her, but it doesn't cost anything. You'll have good luck for a whole week.

It's said that if you summon Hanako-san, she'll be there too, sometimes. They say they've been friends, even since they were alive.

To summon her, you go up to the tree and offer a flower or petal of some sort and you say; "Mioai-chan, Mioai-chan, I have something to say, Mioai-chan, Mioai-chan, can we be friends for a day?" You'll hear a reply saying "Yes," or "Of course," and she'll come out from behind the tree with a kind and gentle smile."

You can choose an outfit. Sorry if none catches your attention.

 Sorry if none catches your attention

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*Got these from Pinterest

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*Got these from Pinterest. You don't have to have these, they're just one's that I thought looked nice. If you do the second one, the white is red.

You wear a (f/c) bow on the back of your head, given to you by your sister, Haruto L/n. You still wear the bracelet Hanako got you. It actually happens to be your Yorishiro, too. It's just hard to get, due to you never taking it off. It's seal is a tiny thing on one of the beads. 

You're only considered a mystery because you've been there with Hanako since he died, and longer then him. The other mysteries liked you, and decided to call you 'No. 0' out of kindness.

After 20 years of being happy, you ended up losing your memories, making you disappear. They couldn't find you, talk to you, or even see you for another 15 years. Hanako became saddened again, but refused to show his true emotions. 

That is... Until you came back. You met Yashiro in 4th grade, and became friends. Then, you both met Aoi in middle school, becoming best friends since then.

Yashiro heard about the rumor of the seventh wonder, making you come with her to summon him. He was relieved and surprised to see you again, but devastated to learn you forgot him.

Slowly, you gained memories back. So far, you only remembered pieces like the confession, Tsukasa killing you, and the cherry tree. Nothing else. 

You happen to be a little behind Hanako's strength, and everyone decided to call you the "co-leader" both because of that, and you're dating the leader, so why not? (Psst--- it's also because they think Hanako needs a little leading, so you're their only hope with that.)


Yaaaay! Now you know the story we go weeeeeeeee

srry cringe lol↑

Words: 853

7/17/22 12:03 PM

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