8.the crunchy ones are the superior version.

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I put the bag on the floor board and lean back in the car seat looking out the window. I don't think I can ever go back. There's a part of me that will always want my dad back. Not my father, but my dad. The one who used to carry me on his shoulders and bake cookies when mom was too tired, the one who kept putting batteries in my flashlight when I was eight and I would stay up all night reading. I miss that version of him. Not who he is now.

I know deep down that that version has been killed.

I look over at Carlos, I study his face for a bit, his eyes are hooded, making them look darker. His eyes flash to mine, I look away a light blush coating my cheeks.

"Are you hungry?" he asks. I shake my head.

That's a lie, I'm starving actually. It feels nice for a few moments, like a sense of comfort washing over me, I'm finally getting the pain that I deserve.

He stares at me for a few more seconds before shrugging and facing back towards the wheel.

I close my eyes for a second before dozing off for a bit.


Carlos's hand is on my shoulder gently shaking me. I open my eyes, being blinded by what I'm guessing is a street light. I wait a few seconds before opening my eyes again, waiting and getting used to the light. Where at the waffle house. My heads tilts to the side a little turning to look at carlos whos already have way out of the car,

I guess I'll eat a little.

I huff and stand up getting out of the car, I walk beside Carlos, I'm engulfed by the smell of waffles and pancakes.

I plaster a smile on my face.

We sat down at one of the booths across from each other. I look at the menu, my eyes float across the plastic, until my eyes land on blueberries pancakes.

My smiles became real and I put the menu back down.

The waitress walks up to us. "Hello, what can I start you with today?"

"Water '' Carlos says not even looking up at her while she's staring right at him bending over a little so her cleavage shows.

I wasn't aware we were at hooters but whatever.

I look at her and smile. "I'll have a strawberry lemonade please."

She nods and walks off.

I rest my chin in the palm of my hand and look up at Carlos.

"I used to come here all the time when I was fourteen, I would sneak out in the middle of the night just to get waffles. I loved food, especially their waffles and hash browns"

"Why'd you stop?"

I pause for a moment thinking back to when I was fourteen. "I don't know, I think I just forgot." he nods and lends back, crossing his arms against his chest.

"One time I made cupcakes with cake batter that was like five years past the expiration date."

He does his version of his smiles "did you eat them?"

"Yeah, they tasted completely fine"

"I don't even like cupcakes"

I scoot farther away from him cupping my hands around my mouth "mouth breather alert"

"What the fuck does that mean?"

I shrug my shoulders.

"Don't know, heard it in a movie once," it means idiot but i don't plan on telling him that.

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