roger taylor - fake date

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"my family thinks we're dating" 

i give roger a confused look. "what? why?" i laugh, turning back to the tv. "because i told them we are." i slowly turn my head at roger. "roger. why?" i ask again, giving him my full attention. "because, my mother was going on and on about how i haven't found someone yet and i was getting pissed off and i blurted out that we were dating." i roll my eyes at him. "and why me exactly?" i ask. "you were the first person that came to mind." i sigh and stand up. "well, you're gonna have to tell them the truth rog, you can't just say we're dating and nothing happens." roger stops me from walking away. "there's i reason why i said it y/n. my parents want to meet you." i give roger a confused expression. "roger, i've already met your parents. years ago." 

"yeah but you haven't met them as my girlfriend. please, y/n, just this once?" roger begs. i give him a smirk. "argh, fine i'll do it but only because i love you." roger engulfs me with a huge back breaking hug. "thank you, thank you, thank you y/n. you won't regret it, i promise." roger lets go of me and walks into the kitchen. i laugh to myself and sit back down on the couch. 



roger's driving us to 'meet' his parents for the first time. well, i mean 'meet' because i've already met his parents. roger and i have known each other since high school and ever since then, we have been inseperable. i've never had a crush on him or looked at him like that but sometimes i get the gut renching feeling of jealously whenever i see him flirting, talking and even looking at other girls. i always push those feelings aside though because i know he will never like me in that way. 

once we arrive at his house, he parks outside and turns to me. "okay, y/n, are you feeling okay?" i scoff. "roger c'mon, i'm fine, let's just get this over with." roger locks the doors before i even reach for the door handle. i glance over at him with an annoyed look. "please don't mess this up for me, y/n. i would love if you took this seriously."

"roger, i am taking this seriously, i just find it weird that you're asking me to be your girlfriend, i mean, we haven't even practised anything yet." roger looks at me weirdly. "what do you mean by practise?" i stare at roger before continuing. "well first off, what do i say? how long have we 'been' together, how did we get together, simple things like that." roger thinks for a second. "i asked you out 6 months ago, at one of my concerts, backstage." i nod. "okay..that it?" i ask. roger leans in and kisses me slowly but passionately. he leans back and has a sly smirk plastered on his lips. "and i kissed you for the first time under the stars." i start blushing like a mad man. roger notices and places his hand on my knee. "y/n, will you be my for real girlfriend? we don't have to pretend anymore." without thinking, i smile and nod my head. 

i guess that happened

A/N: i love it but i don't 

danielle <3

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