brian may - finally

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brian and i were sitting on the football field. we have been together since we were 14, we are now 17 and i love him to the ends of the universe. it was summer break but we have always loved our high school football field. brian brought his acoustic guitar and was strumming along to a tune that he was humming. i was watching him like a little kid in a candy store. he has always had that effect on me. once he was finished strumming he looked down at me and smiled. "that was beautiful, brian. what song was that?" i asked, pulling myself up. brian placed the guitar down on the soft grass next to him. "just something i've been working on. you just have to wait til it's finished." i sighed and laid back down. he pulled me onto him so i was laying down on his chest. he started stroking my hair and i was playing with the rings on his fingers. "do you think we'll get married?" he suddenly asked. i smiled and turned to face him. "yes, of course." i answer truthfully. brian smiles and leans in, kissing me passionately. then all of a sudden it starts to pour down with rain. "shit, my guitar!" brian yells, helping me up and running to his car. he frantically tried to unlock the door but he dropped his keys, causing me to laugh. eventually, he unlocks the car and we both get in, soaking wet. we both start laughing chaotically and he drives me home. he walked me to my front door and kissed me lovingly. "i'll see you tomorrow?" he asks. i nod. "of course love, i love you." i say, opening the door. "i love you more."

that was the last time i saw brian harold may. his family decided last minute that they wanted to move to california to be more closer the brian's mums parents. he called me that night and told me. "can i come see you before you go?" i asked, tears threatening to fall. brian sighs. "i'm sorry my love, you can't. believe me i've begged mum to let me come see you but she said no." a sob escaped my mouth and brian must of heard it. "hey, i'll call every night okay, i promise you. i love you." i smiled. "okay bri, i love you." we said our goodbyes and i fell asleep, crying.

we broke up a month later. it was for the best, i know it was. i never got over him. i tried dating other people but none of it lasted long enough. my friends told me to just get over him but i kept telling them it's not as easy said then done. i remained faithful to a boy that i haven't seen in years. and i still am. 

present time - 10 years later


i moved to london for my job. i became a publisher for a newspaper company and they wanted me to be based in london. i agreed because i've always wanted to go to london. mum and dad didn't want me to go but i told them i would be safe and call them every night. 

once i got off the plane and finally got a taxi and drove to my rented out apartment. my company is paying for my apartment which makes the move less stressful. i start to unpack when i hear a knock on my door. that's strange, i don't know anyone here. i walk towards the door and open it. i gasp. it's him. it's brian. but how?

"y/n?" he asks, smiling. i return the smile. "hi brian." i squeak, a blush creeping up to my face. he got so beautiful. well, he already was but wow. did he get taller too? "oh my gosh, how-how have you been?" brian asks, shoving his hands in his pockets. "i'm good, how are you?" i ask, letting him in. "good, good." brian replies walking in, sitting on the couch. "how did you know i was here?" i ask, still standing in the doorway. "oh no, i didn't. my friend john told me about our new neighbour and i guess it's you." i gulp. we're neighbours?

"that's so great." i say, walking towards him. "yeah, it's a great surprise." brian admits, shifting on the couch. i smile and nod. "do you need help unpacking?" brian asks, standing up. i look around the apartment at all the unopen boxes. "oh my god, yes please, that would be lovely." i say, showing him all the boxes and where i want certain things. 

with more help, it didn't take as long as i thought it would. it took about 3 hours max. once we were done, we both sat on the couch. "thanks for your help brian. i'd still be doing it if you didn't help." brian looks over at me. "no problem, y/n." i give him a smile. "do you wanna stay for dinner? i was thinking about ordering a pizza?" i ask brian. brian sits up and smiles. "that would be great." we order the pizza and decide to sit on the floor since my dining table hasn't arrived yet. "y'know we could just sit on the couch." i say. "where's the fun in that?" brian asks, shoving pizza into his mouth. i laugh and start to eat the pizza.



a few hours had passed and brian decided to go home. "it was great seeing you, bri." i said, giving him a big hug. "you too, y/n." we pulled apart and before i knew it, he crashed his lips onto mine. as the kiss got deeper, i moaned and pulled him back inside.

let's just say, things happened that both brian and y/n have not done in a while ;)


A/N: i got this idea from a writing prompt idea page and thought i'd do it about brian 

danielle <3

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