Chapter 4

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After the tour with Emily, Dreya and I walked back to our rooms, me going to mine and her going to hers after giving each other hugs. I walked into my room and Draven, working our room. I mean I know we have a lot of room in here, but we have a whole ass workout room/gym, why couldn't he go there? He was shirtless, sweat was dripping down his body. I won't lie, he was looking fine as fuck. I wiped the drool off before shaking my head and walking to my bed. I got a text from Dreya, asking if I'd like to go to Starbucks with her, literally not that from campus. I agreed, but asked how we getting there, since I don't know how much Uber cost. She said we'll figure it out. I put my phone in my bag and grabbed my wallet out of another bag to put into my mini backpack and decided to change my clothes.

If Dreya and I were going out into the world world, I want to look hella cute. Please don't notice me, please don't notice me. I grabbed another pair of clothes as Draven stopped and looked at me. "Where are you going?" I sighed and changed. "One, stop staring at me while I change, cause there's nothing to look at and two, Dreya wants to go to Starbucks with me." He stared anyways. "Have anyway of getting there?" I shrugged. "I don't know how much Uber costs out here so we have just have to wal-" I felt his presence behind me. "I'll take y'all." I turned around, holding my ripped skinny jeans in my hand as he was VERY close to me, he was practically towering over me. "U-Uh.." "I'm taking y'all no questions asked." He moved away to go throw on a shirt, after wiping all the sweat off his body. I gulped and quickly changed before grabbing stuff and texting Dreya to come to my room. ASAP.

A minute later and Dreya was at my door. I opened it and let her in. She smiled. "So are we walking to Starbucks or taking an Uber or cab or what?" "Actually...Draven is taking us." She stared. "Oh really now?" I nodded. "Yeahhhh." She smiled. "Alright, so ready to go Aiden?" I nodded and turned to Draven. He was grabbing his phone and wallet. "Let's go."

We got into the car, Dreya and I in the back. "Your not sitting up front?" I looked between Dreya and Draven. Dreya smiled. "You can sit up front with him Aiden." "Are you sure?" She wiggled her eyebrows and nodded. "100% sure." I rolled my eyes and got into the passenger side of his car. "Better?" Draven nodded to me and drove off.

The ride was quiet. The only thing heard was the music playing in Draven's car.

Dreya tapped my shoulder. "What are you getting from Starbucks?" I smiled. "I'm thinking my favorite drink, Mango Dragonfruit with Lemonade with 8 pumps of Raspberry Syrup." "Oooo, that sounds so good bestie. I think I'm going to get a Strawberry Acai with Lemonade or the Pineapple Paradise Refresher with Lemonade, 4 pumps of Raspberry Syrup and 2 pumps of Vanilla Syrup." "Damn, y'all put a lot of shit in y'all's drinks." I looked over at Draven and smiled. "That's what makes it taste better though, you should try it." Draven laughed. "Yeah I don't know about that, maybe. I'll just take some of yours King." I smiled softly. Dreya can tell I was happy.

We pulled up to Starbucks and got out. "Thank you Draven." He nodded. "I'm not going anywhere, I'm y'all's ride." He smiled and toothy grin at me. I blushed as we walked into Starbucks. So many girls were staring and drooling over Draven. I rolled my eyes as we walked up to the counter. The girl at the counter was twirling her red hair in her finger, popping her gum and staring at Draven. 

"What can I get for you?" She was flirting with Draven. I rolled my eyes as he turned to me. "What did you guys want again?" I looked up at him. "Mango Dragonfruit with Lemonade with 8 pumps of Raspberry Syrup and Dreya wants a Pineapple Paradise Refresher with Lemonade with 4 pumps of Raspberry Syrup and 2 pumps of Vanilla Syrup please." Draven smiled. "What shorty said." She looked at me and glared, typing it into her computer, her nails clicking all over the screen. Annoying ass bitch, don't glare at me. Draven pulled out his card and inserted it in. The girl smiled. "It'll be ready soon~." 

Dreya and I mentally gaged. She was trying too hard. We went to go sit down. "You didn't have to pay for it Draven." He chuckled softly. "I don't mind it King." I blushed and smiled softly. Dreya smiled. "So Draven...when is the next party?" Draven looked at me. "You wanna go because of Tyler huh?" Dreya blushed and nodded. "Honestly though, I do. That and Aiden has never been to a party and needs to experience it and the freedom you have at a party." Draven chuckled softly. "This Saturday. I'll take y'all." Dreya smiled. "Really?! Fuck yeah." I laughed. "Though, just stay by me and Tyler, since you guys are new, we want y'all to be safe." Dreya smiled. "Oh I will 100% stay close to Tyler." I rolled my eyes playfully. "This girl is in love." She laughed as a guy brought our drinks over. "Here you guys go. Enjoy!" We looked up at him. I recognized him instantly and he recognized me. 

"Aiden? Aiden King?" I smiled. "Hey Jaxson. How are you?" He smiled. "I'm good, how are you?" He turned to Dreya. "Dreya, I didn't recognize you, you both look so damn good." Dreya laughed. "Oh shut up Jaxson. You look good yourself." He smiled. "Are y'all going to college here at St. Charles University?" We nodded. "Yes. Oh Jaxson, this is my roommate, Draven." Jaxson chuckled. "Draven Collins, nice to see you again." Draven glared at me. "Jaxson Smith, nice to see you too." 

I tugged on Draven's jacket. He turned to me. "Sleepy." He nodded and got up, only an inch taller than Jaxson. "Let's go Aiden." I turned to Jaxson. "It was nice seeing you Jaxon." I smiled as we hugged each other. "I can see Draven getting a little jealous." Dreya noticed and snickered, hugging Jaxson after me. We waved goodbye and got into Draven's car, driving off. 

"What was that about Draven?" I smiled, watching him drive us around and towards the mall. He looked away and at the road. "Nothing." Dreya smirked. "I smell jealously." Draven groaned. "It was nothing." I poked his thigh and side. "Nope nope you were jealous. Admit that shit." Draven groaned louder. "I don't like him. He and I went head-to-head in football alright. He was annoying as fuck and thought he was fucking better." I rolled my eyes. "You were both good at football hush it. Especially you." I mumbled that last part. I know Draven heard it. He smirked. "Cute." 

Dreya was smiling her ass off in the back seat. I hate this. 

We pulled up to the mall. Draven looked at me and Dreya. "Don't go to crazy you two." We all laughed. This is fun. I like this. Hanging out with Draven and Dreya is fun. It would be better if Tyler was here with us just for Dreya.

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