Chapter 2

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Draven's P.O.V

Names Draven. Draven Collins. I'm a sophomore at St. Charles University. My father, Christopher Collins, is the headmaster of this shit school. I know, you'd look at me and think "How did this kid get into a University like this?" Don't think too much on it please. Just because my idiot of a father is the headmaster here, doesn't mean shit. I'm actually pretty smart. I was the smartest kid in my middle and high school.

Look, don't mistaken me for some dumb, fucking nerd or some shit like that. I'm your normal, average "bad boy". Yeah I don't get it either. That's what a lot of people call me here. They say it's my "title" as if I own it or something. Yeah just cause I got some tattoos here and there, a few piercings or what not. Just cause I drink and smoke occasionally or most of the time, or that I wear mostly white and black, ya know, black jeans, a while t-shirt and a black jacket, ya know the basic shit of a bad boy or whatever. Or that I go to parties and sleep or fuck around with chicks.

I mean....I have those things, but I don't consider myself having a title of sorts. Don't call me "the one and only bad boy of the school, Draven Collins". No just fucking call me Draven and move on with yourselves. Girls and hell even guys swarm me, begging for me to protect them from other people. Yeah, I've helped a few people, but expect me to be your knight in shining armor cause that's not what I am. Look I don't want to see some chick or even another guy, get harassed by someone they don't know. It's fucked up. But, don't start clinging onto me and following me around and constantly ask me to help you with something. Like I said, not your knight in shining fucking armor here. I'm not some hero with a fucking cape flying in to save the day.

That's all people really see me as and it's annoying the fuck out of me. Get y'all's shit together and fend for yourselves. We're in college now people. But I will mention...I do fuck around with people, it's one of my specialties.


I laid in bed, on my phone. My friend, Tyler was sitting on the other bed, throwing a ball into the air and catching it. "So when are you getting your roommate dude? I wonder who it'll be. Watch it be some fucking nerd." He laughs to myself. I kind of just ignore him sometimes, but I was curious myself to see who my roommate was as well. I sat up from my bed. "I don't really care who it is Ty. Let's just hope it's an easy target for me to fuck with." Tyler snickered and hopped off the bed and walked over to mine, laying down.

"I might as well move so when your roommate comes, I won't be in the way." I shrugged, getting up. "Heading to the bathrooms, let me know when my roommate gets here, if they even are coming today." Tyler threw the thumbs up as I left to go to the restrooms near my locker.

Aiden's P.O.V

We finally made it to St. Charles University. Dreya and I stepped out of the car and looked around, our arms thrown over each others shoulders. "Look at this place, Dreya. It's huge." Dreya smiled at me. "We are going to have so much fun here dude." Both our parents stepped out the cars, as they started grabbing boxes and bags. "Aiden, Dreya," my mother called out, "come help get y'all's stuff.

We roamed through the halls, searching for our rooms. "Are you sure your going the right way Aiden?" My mother called out. I mentally rolled my eyes and found my room. "Yes mother, I do actually." She slightly glared at me. "Watch the attitude mister." I sighed and opened the door to see some guy laying across a bed on the left side of me. "Hello there." He looked up and sat up. "Woah you got here fast." I walked over and put my stuff down, along with my mother and dad. I held my hand out. "I'm Aiden. Aiden King." The guy smiled and shook my hand. "Names Tyler, but my friends call me Ty." I could tell my mother was looking at him up and down with disgust. Tattoos covering his arm. His lips, nose, and ears were pierced and he had a vape pen in his mouth.

"Ya know, I'm actually not your roommate. Your roommate is my best friend. He stepped out to go to the bathroom." I nodded, a little shy and looked around. Dreya comes over and throws her arm over my shoulder. "I'm Dreya." She popped a cherry flavored lollipop in her mouth and held her hand out to Tyler. He looked at her as if he'd seen a goddess and shook her hand. "Ty." They smiled at each other before my mother cleared her throat. "Excuse me." We turned to her as I sighed. "Oh great..," I muttered under my breath. "Aiden, we are changing rooms, end of discussion." I glared at her. "Mom, I'm not some child you can boss around now. This is my dorm, my room. If I want this room, I should be able to have it. Your not going to be controlling my life anymore." She scoffed and turned to my dad, who always backs me up. "Kiddo's right honey, he's not a baby anymore. Aiden is old enough and smart enough to make his own decisions. You can't baby him forever." She glared and stormed out of the room, leaving poor Tyler confused.

"At least she hasn't seen your actual roommate." Dreya snickered softly. "Well you have fun bestie. We gotta find my room now." She leaned into my ear and whispered. "Let me know if he's hot or not." She smiled and left with her parents, leaving me with my dad and Tyler. My dad turned to us and held his hand out to Tyler. "Well, it was nice meeting you Ty." Tyler smiled a cute little grin and shook my dad's hand. "It was nice meeting you too sir. I promise you, your son is in good hands." My dad smiled. "Thank you." He walked towards the door, then turns around. "Tyler? I apologize for my wife, she can be a bit..much." He closed the door behind him, leaving me and Tyler alone.

"Well that was something." Tyler and I both laughed. The door opened again. "Aye Tyler who the fuck were those people coming out of my room? Is my roommate here or wha-" We both stared at each other. He looked familiar, but I couldn't put my finger on it. I probably look like a creep just staring at him. Tyler smiled. "Hey Draven." Tyler turned to me. "Aiden, this is my best friend, Draven, Draven Collins." My eyes widened. Draven...Draven Collins...we went to the same elementary, middle, and high school together. I wonder if he recognizes me. I gotta tell Dreya about this. "And Draven, this is your new roommate Aiden, Aiden King." I watched his eyes widen a little bit before he smirked a little at me. Shit...he does. I mentally sighed to myself. This is gonna be torture. Tyler smiled and walked over, patting Draven's back. "See ya later Draven. It was nice meeting you Aiden. You should come with us to parties one day." He left, leaving me along with the guy I've had a crush on for years. He was annoying, I'll admit that, but damn was he fucking attractive.

After fixing my side of the room up, I sat on my bed, my back against the wall, my headphones on, a book in my lap with my reading light and my phone in my hand, texting Dreya.

Dreya: NO WAY!! Draven Collins, the guy you were crushing on is your ROOMMATE!!

Mentally rolling my eyes I replied back.

Me: Yes he is sadly. Tyler told him my last name, I'm pretty sure he remembered me. I'm screwed Dreya. I haven't seen him since he switched to another high school.

Dreya: Who cares!! You have a hottie as your roommate, besides, his best friend, Tyler, he's cute. You gotta hook me up with him. The next time they have a party, I'm coming with you and yes your going. You don't have a choice.

Draven had left 3 hours ago. I could care less where he went.

Me: You know parties aren't my thing Dreya. I'm not a "party person". Never have been and I don't think I ever will be.

Dreya: It'll be fun, come onnn. Let me know okay. It's time we live a little.

I thought about it. Live a little. She's right. My mother isn't here to baby me anymore and quiet frankly, I don't want her doing it. I'm going to regret this.

Me: Alright, we'll go to parties with them.


I laughed to myself and put my phone down to continue reading. College shouldn't be too bad now can it? No no college won't be that bad. Dreya and I are going to make so many memories here.

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