Personnel 9: Rumi (lovesyae)

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Name: Rumi *see below

Age: 26

Gender: Female

Appearance: She prides herself on her average-ness and blend-in-ability: average height, brown hair, brown eyes, and olive skin. However, she really isn't average (nor blend-in-able), as she is rather pretty. With all the trouble her parents went through to get their best genes passed down, of course she should be at least above-average. And her brown eyes aren't really brown, but almost a goldish yellow. But not many people are privy to this image of hers. She always works with a face covering and her favourite pair of low-tech goggles, and usually head to toe in her gear. To any outside viewer, she's a figure clad in black and grey, hence her desired blend-in-ability. Except her boots. Her boots are brown. Like her eyes (not really).

Personality: She has no qualms about anything while she works, except that she receives a full payment at the end. So, as one might be able to tell, she's not exactly a stickler for rules and all that nonsense pure stuff. Sometimes, there just isn't time (and it's less fun). But other than that, she's generally smirky (bad habit), jokey, and laughy. Like the Smurfs. She tried out the mysterious-dark persona for a while, but that was simply too boring to be much fun.

History: She used to attend a private boarding school on Liaxos, the capital planet, but after her parents were killed by an underground gang (they weren't so underground after that), Rumi was kicked out because her tuition payments were pushed back. Apparently, her father had been failing to pay protection money for several of his planets. But Rumi was alright, because she was already notorious at school for being an "organiser". Basically, anything the kids wanted, she managed to scrounge up. Of course, she charged a hefty fee. After the deaths, she left school and her past to officially join Kiote (like coyote, get it?), a very very good organisation working to reunite boss with servant. Just kidding, it's actually a bounty hunter organisation. And usually, it's not servants that Rumi hunts: it's anyone that fetches a nice bounty. No questions and no concerns.

Activity: As one could probably tell, Rumi's a bounty hunter. Not much else to it. Oh, except that she's trying to work her way up the ladder (it wouldn't be a corporate ladder, now, would it?) and has been taking increasingly more dangerous hunts. So she's used to a bit of action as well. Outside of her work, she makes things for her work. Basically, she has no life, which is why she finds herself chasing a bounty to a very low-tech planet. It's even more low-tech than her goggles.

Other: Now, as a professional, Rumi keeps her relations to a minimum (zero, actually). Another thing she prides herself on is her so-called professionalism. *Oh, and her real name is Rivera del Rosario. But that's a name she's left behind.

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