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A few days passed, and the buds were beginning to reveal their brilliance. Barok was healing and strong enough now to walk about on his own. Strong enough to venture into London to deal with some pressing matters, now that he was known to be alive. The brothers were determined to revive the manor. To erase from it the horrors of the past, the blood of loss, and make it a monument to those they loved and a home for those who remained. They were to gather up Iris's belongings, hire staff, and set about changing the manor for the better.

Susato, Yujin, and everyone else had remained within the manor's walls during that time. To ensure Barok healed and had all he needed, to spend time in each other's company. And now, Susato was hesitant to leave his side, but so happy to see him returning to life and society with his family.

They stood by the road leading out of the manor, carriages at the ready. Barok stood before Susato. She craned her head back to smile up at him, delighting in the life in his eyes. Shadows of sorrow still lingered, and always would, just as the scar emblazoned upon his face and the smaller ones littering his palms would never leave him, but finally he was free. The clarion call had sounded, the mist had shredded apart, and life could begin again.

"Good luck in London, Lord van Zieks," Susato said.

"I thank you. Miss Susato, will you remain in Britain for some time?" Barok said.

"Actually...I had hoped to stay. There's someone I wish to stand beside always. As long as he doesn't see me as a burden."

Barok smiled and lightly touched her face. "Then I will call upon you soon."

Susato nodded, delighting in the feeling of his touch, his warmth. Ever since he had regained his human body, Barok had been eager to feel again, without fear. To hold books and birds, to drink from delicate tea cups, to water plants and feel petals, to play the piano. To hug his niece and comb her hair. To hold Susato's hand. To touch her face. To draw her near and simply hold her each day, caressing her chastely—her fingers; her arms, feathering touches along the scars he had given her as sorrow stitched his brows; her hair; her face. How gentle he was, how tender, how in awe each time that he could hold anyone or anything without causing harm. Susato would miss the feeling of his closeness.

He kissed her palm softly then bowed to her. And then they parted ways. At least, for a little while.


Susato had just returned to their little house in the village. She had spent the day helping Olive and Duncan prepare for their wedding. She hummed to herself lightly as she arranged the leftover flowers and tucked them into a little vase on the kitchen table. Then she shifted them so they rested in the muted light pouring through the window.

A knock on the door. Susato wondered if Ryunosuke was dropping by. He had been helping Yujin on and off with tending to the people in the village, and his company was appreciated by a great many of the inhabitants. Kazuma was making friends quickly as well, and had turned to hunting to help stock their larders.

Susato opened the door and broke out smiling. Barok caught her up in his arms, lifting her off her feet as he hugged her close. She folded into him, nestled her face in the crook of his neck.

"You're home! And just in time for Olive's wedding! How fantastic!" Susato exclaimed.

"An apt occasion. I am truly glad for Mr. Ross. Moreover, it is rather inspiring," Barok said.

Susato's breath caught. She stared up at him, her heart fluttering with hope. "You...you mean?"

"There is a certain woman I dearly wish to marry," Barok said. He knelt, taking hold of both of her hands, and kissed the backs of her palms.

When her father arrived home shortly after that, Barok made his plea. And by the time night fell, Susato's finger bore a ring.


Olive and Duncan's wedding was a truly beautiful moment. The two were so happy, their smiles radiant as they held tight to one another and were forever joined.

Susato and Barok were married shortly after that, in the same Church. And then Susato moved into the manor. Life unfolded before them, bright and gleaming. What once was obscured by mist, what once was steeped in the horror of false guilt, what once were just impressions of the life that had stirred but gone still were ignited, purified, made new. Pains were never forgotten. The loss, the suffering. But now there was hope. Now there was forgiveness and truth and love.

The drawing room was a place of laughter and smiles and moving figures once again. Susato loved to sit beside Barok as he played the piano. To simply watch his hands. Or stumble along the keys as he attempted to teach her, their fingers brushing.

Today, Barok was playing a piece that was vivid with the togetherness of their families. With the bright quality and swift tempo of the flowers in bloom. Iris twirled around with Klint. The two laughed and danced together.

And then Sholmes burst in from his workshop, grease on his face, goggles over his eyes, and brandishing a bright grin.

"Dear Iris, you simply must come see my most recent invention! I believe it will prove a magnificent help to all the village. To all of London. Nay, dare I say, to all of the known world!" Sholmes said. "And the parts as of yet unknown, as well."

Iris giggled. "Oh yes! We must go see it right away! Come on, Daddy! Uncle Barry, Auntie Susie? Are you coming too?"

"We shall join you in a moment," Barok said.

"Alright. Don't wait too long. Or you'll miss out on something really exciting!" Iris said, clasping her hands together and beaming. "We should go get Kazy and Runo and Dr. Mickey and show them too!" she declared as she skipped along, taking Sholmes's hand.

"I would quite like to test out this invention for myself," Klint said.

"You are far too inferior to attempt such a feat," Sholmes said.

"I am regarded as brilliant, I would have you know," Klint said.

"Perhaps more than the average doddypoll," Sholmes said.

"You will come to regret those words. I am lord of the manor, may I remind you," Klint said.

Iris's giggle peeled out behind them as they disappeared from the room.

Barok looked down at Susato, his gaze soft as it travelled along her face, then rested in her eyes. She greeted him, drew him deeply into her gaze, and leaned into his side. He lifted her hand away from the keyboard, kissed her palm, her fingers, her wrist, then gently drew her to her feet and towards the centre of the room.

They danced together. Susato gave a little laugh as he spun her and then drew her close. She leaned against his chest, felt his pulse beneath her cheek. Kissed the place where she knew his scar lurked from the bullet wound, so terrifyingly near his heart. His hands rested against her back, pulled her even closer.

Barok continued to hum the waltz they were dancing to, and she felt his voice resonating against her palms. And then he drew back just enough to gaze down into her face. They kissed one another. With all the tenderness and warmth and understanding and love that had rescued them both. That would bind them together for the rest of their lives. Life, which was so solid and so full of pain and tenderness both. Far greater than a dream and achingly real. Wonderfully real. For dreams are lonely, and now Barok van Zieks never had to be alone again. Susato would spend her life ensuring that.


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