Flowers by the Window

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The day was warm and bright and the air was filled with the scent of zinnias. They waved beside the open window, cheerful and comforting. Although these lovely wonders did nothing to provide solace to Susato's companion. That much was clear from the look on Olive Green's face as she sat beside the gently swaying curtains.

Susato had arrived at the village only a fortnight prior. They had made quick acquaintance with Olive Green, whose fiancée had disappeared about a month before their arrival. Klint and Kazuma had plied her with questions, curt and demanding. But Olive had known little.

Her fiancée, Duncan Ross, was travelling for work. He was a painter, said to be masterfully skilled when it came to capturing portraits on canvas. A commission called him away. He never came back. When the time he was expected to have returned passed, it became clear something had happened. The client he was supposed to meet in London had never encountered him at all.

Klint investigated the surrounding lands. It seemed he had located evidence that a beast had definitely been involved, but the creature's exact location had yet to reveal itself. And so Klint and Kazuma trained every day or else searched for hours upon hours, finding tracks and claw marks they chased relentlessly before returning, faces full of defeat and fury and a deepening shadow of hatred. Susato was already beginning to recognise Kazuma less and less.

Ryunosuke was doing his best to interview the people in the village and nearby settlements for any information. He was convinced that there might be another explanation for Duncan's disappearance, but so far nothing had carried any water and it seemed the belief that a monster did indeed haunt the countryside was widely accepted.

"There are people who claim to have seen the beast," Ryunosuke had said tremulously, pale-faced.

While they pursued their quarry, Yujin set up as a village doctor, easing the needs of the inhabitants to travel for their health—something they were grateful for, considering the immense fear that gripped them all.

As for Olive, Susato was deeply concerned for the woman and pained by her plight, so she sought to strike up friendship with her and called upon her frequently.

"I brought a new book for us to read today," Susato said as she set down tea and little cakes.

Olive stared at the table, the sunshine falling over her. The flowers and grasses outside purled softly, pushed by a gentle wind.

Susato glanced at the window. "It's a beautiful day. Would you like to go for a stroll around the village?"

Olive sighed heavily. "No. Everyone would start whispering if they saw me."

Susato's smile curdled. But she fought to retain a light and hopeful expression. "He might have simply become lost! Mr. Naruhodo is doing all he can to find out where he might be."

"The beast took him. Of that, I have no doubt. So I hope the hunters catch him soon. Maybe I'll even join them," Olive said, still staring at the table, a glare settling onto her face.

Susato sank down slowly into her chair across from Olive, a dismal wave rising in Susato's chest. She frowned and looked out the window. The sky was blue, the village quiet. Hints of baking bread flowed towards them, tickled at her senses.

"...Is the tea to your liking? Should I fetch anything else for you?" Susato said.

"No," Olive said.

"Why don't we start this novel then? It sounds fascinating!" Susato said with as much brightness as she could muster. She flipped the book open.

"...It's all my fault, isn't it?"

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