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Despite her fear and the heavy feeling sticking to her stomach, Susato needed food. She ventured from her room and carved her way through the dreary hallways. Empty echoes, empty stomach, a cold diffusion of nerves. Wondering if she would encounter the Beast. Wondering if she would encounter another heartbeat.

Susato found the kitchen. It was silent, but the scent of cooking lingered faintly. Then she entered the open dining room, with its massive table. Once again, it was coated in platters of cheeses and breads, bowls of grapes, and a pile of boiled meat. Gina was there, pushing some food into a cloth that she tied up into a bundle. She began to walk away.

"Gina?" Susato called.

Gina paused. "Ey, Sooz. Nice cleanin'."

"Oh, well, just because we're suffering in a dreary situation it doesn't mean our cleanliness also has to suffer," Susato said.

"Yeah," Gina said. "Well, I'm gonna scarper off now, me."

"Wait," Susato said.

Gina halted again. She looked both uncertain and a bit agitated.

"...Does no one ever eat together?" Susato said.

"Never seen anyone do that. We all eat in our own rooms, innit."

"Well...why is that?"

"Feels safer. Never know if the Beast might show 'is creepy face 'ere."

Susato frowned and touched her cheek warily. "Oh, I suppose...But it would be nice, wouldn't it? It would feel a lot less lonely if we all ate together. We could even plan a menu, instead of just grabbing anything that's not rotten yet."

"A menu?"

"Yes. I know how to make a few English dishes. And cooking is very simple with simple ingredients! Besides, the kitchen is rather impressive."

"You offerin' to cook for us?"

"I could! And then I could call everyone to dinner. Afterwards, we could wash up together!"

"Eh, maybe...Wot if the Beast shows up though? I mean...not that 'e's really done nofin' bad to me or anyfin', it's just...'is one order is we stay away from 'im, right?"

"Right...Well! I'm sure if he heard us all together he would keep his distance. Or maybe he would join us!"

Gina barked out a laugh. "Yeah, right. Good one, Sooz. You know, you're right funny."

"...Gina. Have you ever actually spoken to the Beast?"

"No one speaks to 'im. That would break the whole keep away rule."

"That's true...But then how did he know Mr. Milverton was ill?"

"Eh, that's the only time wot anyone ever looks for 'im, if they need summat real bad like an' its life or death. 'E said we can leave 'im a letter near the doors. That's why Evie taught me me letters, just in case. Not that Ash even asked for 'elp."

"What do you mean?"

Gina picked up an apple and gave it a bite. She shrugged. "The Beast caught 'im tryin' to cross the bloody mire to get the medicine 'imself."

"R-Really? Is that why...is that why the Beast attacked Mr. Ashely Milverton?"

"Eh, it wasn't an attack, really. Ash fell in. Beast found 'im just in time an' tried to drag 'im out, if you can Adam an' Eve it. Dunno why 'e bothers rescuin' us, but that's wot 'e did. But...Ash fought 'im, even though 'e was in danger. Beast's got them big claws, right? Caught Ash right in the face, in 'is eye."

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