Solemn Vow

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Despite her bleak circumstances, Susato felt grateful to be in fresh clothing. Evie had not only taken up a dress for Susato that she could wear while Evie washed and mended her other clothing, but also a nightgown. Evie then took her to a room intended to house those who grew ill. It carried a cabinet with scant medical supplies Susato could use to treat and dress her cuts.

When they entered, Susato's breath snagged. A man with grey hair and a mustache was lying in a bed, thin and pale, breathing shallowly, sweat clinging to his forehead. A young man sat at his bedside, blonde-haired, solemn. His suit was probably once very fine but had lost its shape and the purity of its whiteness over time.

"Mr. Milverton and his son, Ashley," Evie whispered.

Susato's brows furrowed, sadness for them rippling through her chest. Ashley looked so concerned for his ailing father. And then a note of hope. For Susato saw the satchel resting on the foot of the bed. Ashley was staring at the medicine but seemed hesitant.

"...I'm terribly sorry to disturb you, but do you require assistance with administering that medicine?" Susato said.

Ashley looked at her over his shoulder. Susato restrained a gasp. For a terrible scratch ran down his face, throwing a line of damaged white through one of his azure eyes.

"I can manage on my own," Ashley said.

"...My father prepared that medicine. He has taught me a little, so I could help him tend to the people in the village," Susato said.

"Then...would you give this to him?" Ashley said without looking at her.

Susato moved to his side and assisted Mr. Milverton as best as she could. She checked his vitals after administering the dose, but was unsure about the accuracy of her assessment regarding his condition.

"May I check on him again tomorrow?" she said.

"If you think that will prove of any use, you may," Ashley said, countenance entirely solemn.

Susato frowned.

"Don't worry, dear. I am sure you helped a great deal," Evie said, steering Susato away by her shoulders. "The bandages and ointments are in here."

Susato slowly dragged her gaze away from the father and son and set about tending to her wounds. With that task complete, Evie guided Susato to a bedroom she could stay in and promised to call on her once her clothes were repaired.

"I cannot thank you enough for your kindness," Susato said.

Evie smiled sadly. "All we have is each other now, isn't it?"

"...May I ask you one last thing?"

"Of course."

"There's a man my friends and I came to the countryside hoping to find. I can't help but wonder if he found his way here," Susato said.

"Oh? What's his name?" Evie said.

"Duncan Ross. His fiancée is so worried about him..."

"Mr. Ross? Yes, he's here. Actually, his room is just two doors from your own. Right over there. He was our most recent arrival, until you appeared," Evie said. And then, with a curtsy, she was gone.

Susato's heart lifted. Was Duncan truly here? Was he truly alive? She hesitated, then felt resolve click into place. She ventured towards his room and knocked on the door.

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