Chapter 6

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Erica's POV:

Joshua prowls over to me. "Ah I have seen that you have captured 'Erica'. You are totally not the 18th person to come trying to fool me into giving you money for a fake Erica. Well, I'm not stupid. Let's see if this person can fool me."

I have to hold back a laugh at the irony of this situation. "Well Joshua, are you going to kill me for not being Erica." I say with a slight pout.

He leans in close which initiates the 'panic Joshua is way too close to me' system. I push him away yelling, "stop! You don't have to be like that."

I see something in his eyes that looks like confusion. "Well tell me where the others are?" He demands.

"Do you really think I would give you that information. You haven't even tortured me. Though being in your sight is torture."

"Yes, you would think that. Well, anything else you want to say to annoy me before I kill you."

I laugh, "oh you're going to kill me? I didn't think you were able to do that. What has it been, 8 years? I'm starting to think you're too much of a pussy to actually do it. Maybe it's just because I have always been in control every time we fought. Well, what are you waiting for? Don't you have to put on a show for your stupid little country?"

Seeing the rage on his face is worth all of this. I think back to Christopher's words. Josh, you can play me, but I can play you too.

He pulls himself back together before smirking, realizing that I am truly Erica. "Wow, my useless guard actually did something right this time. Take Erica to the holding cells and have every guard in the prison on her. I will deal with her later."

They pull me away and I don't know how this is going to go. The woman walks up to me. "I'm not sure how you convinced him that you were Erica, but great job. But I can't let you go. Keep up the act and I will pay you money."

I smile wickedly at her, "oh, about that. Joshua's right, you are the one in the wrong. You didn't capture some random girl, you captured Erica Hale. And that is where you messed up."

I see the horror in her eyes before I push my hidden knife into her stomach. "Maybe I'm doing Joshua's dirty work for him. But you know, I am leading the rebellion, and anyone who leads part of his army is a threat to us. So, you get to go bye bye."

I watch as her eyes close from the sadness of my cell. Joshua, you might have captured me, you might know that I hold secrets that you need, but I can also fuck with you. Don't think I'm going to make your life easy.  

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