Chapter 3

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"Hi Ben" are her first words to me for five years.

"Erica?" I stutter. Is it really you?

"Yes, but we don't really have the time for a formal reunion."

I'm snapped out of my fantasy land back to the harsh reality that I'm in. Maybe, with Erica by my side I can get out of here alive and unharmed.

Sadly, most of the men have drawn guns, seeing that we have already shot one of them. Erica throws me a gun. "I hope that you have practiced in the last few years."

While I am still not amazing with a gun, I have been practicing and could probably shoot a few of the guys at the close proximity that we are at.

Erica jumps down from the roof that she's on, shooting the closest man to her. I look at the large group of people surrounding me. I load the gun and shoot. While the first shot goes over their heads by a large amount, the second hits one spot on. I try to channel my inner James Bond and duck, luckily it actually saves me from taking a bullet.

I see from the outside of my pack that Erica has taken care of most of her men and is coming to save me. But I plan on keeping them busy while Erica makes her way over. I cock my gun over my shoulder and yell, "you want me, well here I am!" unloading the bullets one after another, hitting some of the people surrounding me.

By now, Erica has made it clear that she could easily kill anyone in her way. The men all back down and drop their guns, putting their hands up.

"Don't kill us. We are stopping. We will let you guys walk free and won't stop you if you stop killing us."

Erica glares at them but agrees. She then starts pulling me into the closest alleyway.

"Well, you finally showed up after five years." She says angrily.

"I would have come sooner but I had no idea where you were."

"Is that why you were in the middle of a street square? You were looking for me?"

"Yeah, I saw you on national TV after you exploded the tower on Joshua's castle. I figured you were around here, so I decided to go searching for you." After seeing the worry on her face, I said, "What's wrong?"

"If you were able to see me, Joshua would too. He probably knows I'm in this area, which means there is probably more security."

"Oh, well we haven't got caught yet. Right?"

Erica looks around, "I'm not so sure about that. Do you hear that?"

I listen for anything, but there is nothing. "Nope."

Erica rolls her eyes, "footsteps. A lot of them. We are being followed."

"So, should I get ready for a fight?"

"No, we can't win this one." She hands me a piece of paper with an address on it. "Find this. It's the rebellion that I'm helping to lead. You might see some familiar faces there."

"What about you?"

"Oh, I'm fine. I will escape these weaklings and meet you there. It will just be easier for me if I didn't have to worry about also getting you safely there."

"Ok." I nod my head. I run off into another alleyway, but once I'm in the dark, wait and stay for Erica. I just can't leave her like this. Plus, she will make it out soon and we can travel together.

I watch as fully trained soldiers come out. To their surprise, they find a meek little 16-year-old girl. One of the men in the front asks Erica sweetly, "honey, have you seen a pair of two felonies come this way?"

I smirk knowing the weak façade was just an act, and Erica is going to kick these guys' butts. "Oh, I think they went that way." She says meekly.

I watch in surprise as the soldiers start to head where Erica pointed. This was easier than I thought it would be. To my surprise, and to Erica's as well, the soldiers all point their guns at her.

A guy at the front smirks. "Wow, they told me you were tricky, but wow, that was impressive, but drop all your weapons, you're coming with us."

To my surprise, Erica drops her weapons and lets them handcuff her.

Soldiers swarm around her. A guy barks, "where was the other kid?"

"He left a long time ago. You are not catching up to him."

She lets her eyes quickly glance to the alleyway opposite of mine. I watch as the soldiers smile, thinking they got something out of her. Oh Erica, you are too smart.

The women next to Erica tells her in a sugary-sweet voice, "Okay sweetheart. I'll give you a choice. Since you are such a great actor, you could help us with a little project of ours. Or we can kill you right here. Your choice?"

"What's the project?" Erica responds.

"Well, there is this girl that King Joshua really wants captured, but she is impossible to get. So, all you need to do is to pretend to be the girl, then I will let you go free. You just need to be good enough to fool Joshua."

"Deal." Erica responds.

I watch as the soldiers take her off to the castle. I take one last look at the piece of paper in my hands. I'm going to get you some help Erica.

Hi guys I have some sad news. This is going to be my last spy school fanfic. While I love this fandom, I have been into other fandoms more recently and will start to write books for those fandoms. While I love you all, and will continue to support this fandom in other ways, I don't have the time to keep writing the SS books. I will fully finish SSA and it will be as good as I planned it to be, but after that I will only do other fandoms. I understand if you don't read those books, but if you do, I will probably be doing Pitch Perfect, A Simple Favor, The Lunar Chronicles, and Red Queen. Enjoy the rest of the book and this special update.   

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