Chapter One

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An Electric Kitsune's power is based on how many tails they have. Serenity happens to have 13. Not to mention, she has the Venomous bite of a werewolf. A werewolf's venom is a paralysis venom. It is a quick acting venom that paralyzes the victim, leaving them to die of multisystem organ failure. They are able to control their poisonous bite unless the werewolf is female and on her menstrual cycle. A fourteen year old girl ran as she was being chased. Hunters had seen her shift back to humans and wanted to see her. A portal opened, and Serenity tripped and fell into it.

Fourteen year old Vali Lucifer was out looking for blackberries for Lavinia when the hybrid girl fell out of the portal. Something landed in the bushes that he was picking the berries for. He jumped back when a pair of dirty blonde ears stuck out of the top of the bush. A head popped out, and he watched the strange person fall out of the bush. He blushed when he realized that it was a girl. He looked away as the girl's legs were wide open, showing him proof that she was a girl. He took the jacket off and gave it to the girl who growled at him. She took it warily and covered herself. Serenity observed the blushing boy and realized he wasn't entirely human. Her tails swished behind her. "I like your tails." Vali said. Serenity crawled towards him and sniffed him. Vali let the girl sniff him. "I'm Vali."

"Serenity." She said, "Where am I?" This isn't Okinawa." Vali was confused.

"I'll take you to someone that can help." He held out his hand, and Serenity took it.


Azazel was quite shocked when Vali brought a girl to the house. She was only wearing Vali's jacket, which covered her. "This is Serenity. She's from Okinawa." Vali said. The girl hid behind the boy. "Can I keep her?" Azazel choked on his drink. Serenity gripped the back of Vali's shirt. He turned around and smiled at her.

"Now Vali. Kitsunes are very hard to maintain."

"She's a hybrid. Like me." Azazel was confused. "She's half werewolf half electric Kitsune." Azazel choked on his drink once more. Half Werewolves were rare.  Electric Kitsunes were extremely rare. Hell, it was extremely rare for there to be half werewolf and half kitsune children. It wasn't unheard of for a werewolf and kitsune to breed. But a werewolf and Electric Kitsune to breed? It was a once in a lifetime and even then, they never survived childhood. The fact that there was a hybrid in front of him and that she was still alive was actual history. The hybrid stared up at him, and Azazel counted how many tails she had. His eyes widened.

"Vali. How the hell did you find her?"

"She fell out of a portal and into the blackberry bush that I was picking." Vali said.

"She's a super rare creature."


"Vali. An Electric Kitsune and Werewolf Hybrids are very, very rare. Even when they are documented, they never make it past the age of three. Right behind you is living proof that Electric Kitsune's still exists. And with her having 13 tails, she is super strong. She might be stronger than me." Azazel marveled. "An Electric Kitsune's power is based on how many tails they have. But if you really want her then you have to protect her." Vali nodded.

"I'll keep her safe."

"Alright. Serenity?" The girl looked at him. "Try to keep the fact that you're a rare species a secret." Serenity shook her head.

"No." Serenity said.

"Excuse me?" Azazel snapped at her, and he regretted it in a heartbeat.

"Leave her alone!" Vali yelled at Azazel. The fallen angel avoided the blast coming towards him. He stared in shock as Vali aimed his hand at him, ready to prepare for another attack. He had  his incomplete balance breaker on, and Azazel figured that Serenity had to be Vali's mate. He decided to keep that bit to himself.

"Serenity and Vali. Tell each other your last names."

"I'm Vali Lucifer." Vali said.

"Serenity Fujakante." Azazel once again choked on his spit.

"What the hell is the werewolf princess doing in the underworld!?"

"Shhh!" Serenity said. "You have to keep it a secret! Nobody can know. My mom and dad are already dead. If they get me, they can control the werewolf race."

"I'm sorry." Azazel said. He took a sip of his drink.

"Don't worry, my adopted brother says I'm very lucky that I don't remember witnessing my parents getting brutally murdered." Both Vali and Azazel choked. "I was three then." Vali felt bad. He thought he had a rough childhood, but Serenity actually witnessed her parents get murdered. "I have nightmares. May I sleep with Vali?" Serenity asked.

"Please!?" Vali begged.

"Vali. You do know she'll be going into heat soon, right? If you want to keep her as a pet, then you'll have to take her out of heat." With that, Azazel gave both Serenity and Vali a sex ed lesson. Serenity then explained that it was very rare for her to get pregnant out of her mating seasons. "Mating seasons?"

"I have two. One in the spring and one the month of my birthday."

"When's your birthday?"

"August 8th." Serenity said. "I just turned 14. But I won't go into heat until I turn 15." Serenity said.

"Can I keep her?"

"Fine." Vali laughed happily and took Serenity to meet his friends.


Lavinia tended to the hybrid's wounds. The girl was covered in scratches and had a bunch of thorns stuck in her tails. Vali kept telling her that she had to be gentle with Serenity and Lavinia laughed. She brushed the hybrid after giving her a much needed bath. Serenity laid her head in Vali's lap, transforming into a human form.

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