Chapter 13

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I probably should be uploading more and I will try. I feel horrible for letting you guys wait so long. I'm sorry :( I'll try to upload the next chapter sooner ;)

Please review and tell me what you think. Thank you!!!

Chapter 13

“Are you crazy?!” I asked him with seriousness.

The look on his face told me that I had just disrespected him. It was unintentional. I have complete respect for him... most of the time.

“Sorry.” I knew my place. He was the master and I was the servant. “But I can't go with you.”

For some reason, he just grinned. And that puzzled me very much.

A sigh escaped my lips. It was just that I could never read this guy! In fact, he has always been giving me that smile before saying something that I would totally disagree with him on.

Now I felt even more nervous. It felt like I was going to explode from all this tension.

“Why not?” he asked innocently. Was it not obvious?!

There was something he was hiding; something that I just didn't want to know. And the longer I remain in this room with him, the more I was destined to know. Thinking of it now, I really don't want to know. I'd rather get back to my room than suffer another one of his psychotic ideas. Fidgeting in my place a little, I spoke, “Um because you are supposed to be alone. Just the both of you...with no one else. Just you and Kiki” I tried to make it clear.

“And your point is?” he ranted with an amused voice. It was hard not to give him a dumb look, but I was able to contain myself.

There was something wrong with him...very wrong! It felt like I really didn't have a choice now. So I spoke slowly and clearly trying to make my point even easier to understand. “I can't go with you... so go by yourselves...”

He laughed in amusement at the way I spoke things. “You think that you're going as a friend?!”, he was amazed, “You would be going to help me out as a servant, that's all. So in a sense, we would be alone.” He smiled a brief smile then stood up. Was he trying to leave?! Does he think that his decision was considered the final decision?! Not if I had something to say about it! I thought quickly.

Will I wasn't going to allow him to leave me here with the final choice being his! This began my protest! And with every protest of mine, he finds it as a challenge to him. “Considering my health condition”, I began confidently, “I can't go”, I frowned falsely, “I guess you'll just have to take someone else.”

When he looked at me strictly, it was as if he felt my challenge to him. A wide grin spread upon his lips...and that was bad! It sent wild butterflies into my stomach and this overwhelming weight formed on my chest. Since he was in control, I had very little chances of doing things my way. But it didn't hurt to try... most of the time. But in the end, I knew I was going to be defeated.

Slowly, I noticed that his eyes were studying me and trying to figure out why I didn't want to go, why I struggled against his will to just let me be? For a long moment in silence, it felt like I had won, but then he spoke firmly, “But I already talked with Gaara”, my heart sank, “and he said that having fresh air instead of being cooped up in here is great for your health.”

Was he prepared for this?! Did he know that I was going to deny his answer?!

Those questions rose a lump in my throat. I grimaced. There must be some other reason that I could provide him that would prevent me from going!

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