The Vanishing of Will Byers

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I flutter my eyes open for my lashes to brush on my cheeks softly for me to sigh, stretching my muscles back into place while sitting up and looking around my room with it the same as I left it, a mess, paint supplies scattered everywhere, paint easels spread out around the room, some posters from famous bands and photos on the wall of my family and friends. Last night I got home late because the art club wanted to capture the sunset, which I found pointless because the clouds caught it before we could. So then everyone decided to go and get a bite to eat, so it was late when we got home. Me not notice anything odd as I collapsed into my bed with sleep consuming me the moment my head hit my pillow, "Beccy, sweetheart, time for breakfast", I heard my mother's loving voice as she opened the door for me to grab my sweater pulling it over my head knowing it is cold this morning like most morning's here in Hawkins. 

I look at my mother who is a lot like me in the features department but I get my father's idiotic blue eyes for me to keep looking at my mother as the door is open smiling she is a fantastic woman to keep up with two teenagers and a boy, "morning mum" I say as I slip my slipers on going to the door, "morning sweet muffin" she says for me to smile loving that nickname the most out of the ones she has given me over the years, she gives me a kiss on the head stroking my hair away from my eyes as I smile a laid back smile loving my mother the most in this whole world, "Jonathan's made breakfast go ahead, sweet muffin" she says as I nod on that going into the kitchen dusting my hair into a messy bun on my head as I am walking, "morning Johnny boy" I say as I sit down in my spot beginning to eat my toast while moving the newspaper over to me, "morning Bec" he answers with a little smile we try not to fight because of mum but we get into the odd argument but as the years have passed we don't argue as much which is healthy in my mind, I think. 

Mum is looking around for something, which I suspect is her keys because she is prone to losing them all the time its just her, "Where the hell are they? Jonathan," Mum questions as I look at my brother for help with the subject at hand, "check the couch," he tells her as she looks at my twin, knowing she is irritated at the moment because she is going to be late and that pisses my mum off to no end when she is to be late, "Ugh, I did. Oh Got them." she says uplifting a pillow for me to sigh as I roll my eyes going back to my breakfast, "Okay, sweetie's, I will see you tonight." she says to kiss me on the head and my brother on the cheek knowing he is getting taller as the years are passing which is irritating for me because I am still small in my family's eyes like Will, "Yeah, see you later mum." 

I comment as I start eating my toast yet again, but Mum stops before heading out the door to work. She notices that Will is not here, which is odd. Jonathan usually gets him up, "Where's Will?" Mum asks as I look at my brother with a raised eyebrow, "Oh, I didn't get him up yet. He's probably still sleeping." Jonathan answers while putting food on a plate. I look at Mum, knowing she is irritated now, as she sighs, "Jonathan, you have to make sure he's up!" Mum says as she begins down the hallway to my little brother's room, "Mom, I'm making breakfast." my brother comments as Mum makes her way down the hallway, "I told you this a thousand times." my mum was saying to my twin as she goes into my little brother's room as I open the newspaper looking for a part-time job for after school hours. Still, I am always unlucky in these times.   


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