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aight essence how the fuck im supposed to know what's wrong if you don't tell me , horace expressed to his girlfriend

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aight essence how the fuck im supposed to know what's wrong if you don't tell me , horace expressed to his girlfriend.

let me know how you feel about the whole thing essence damn, you acting childish asf.

childish ? at first i wasn't saying anything for the sake of keeping this relationship good but you going to far with the childish shit.

i been wanting to ask you why you put all the fucking effort into a relationship with me if you had a feeling asia was gone ruin the shit like she did the first time.

you act like she has a hold on you horace , now stop asking me what's wrong with me.

essence had been getting their 3 week old & 3 year old ready for daycare & preschool .

it was only 7:35 in the morning and the two had been arguing since 5 .

i did it because i missed you, us , and wanted the family together . i never intended for asia to somehow snake her way back into my life. i keep telling you she is obsessed with you.

okay horace if that's what you say and it's true i believe .

m- aight essence is im taking the girls to school today or you ? he said with a slight a mug on his face.

you can , im going to clean up while y'all gone.

aight, he said walking out without giving her time to respond back to him.

essence felt that why nardo kept trying to get her to express her feelings when she already did. she can't help that he doesn't believe that that's not the only thing bothering her.

in reality essence didn't know what was wrong. no matter how she tried to explain it to herself or anyone else it just wouldn't let her speak. like she had been trapped in her own thoughts.

she didn't want to tell him that she didn't like her body because she thought he wouldn't understand where she was coming from.

she believed that by not speaking on her feelings wouldn't cause any problems because that's how it was at home for her.

as long as she didn't express her feelings her parents loved her but when she did she the worst child they ever had.

she hate that the trust carried into her adult years but she had to do it so long that she just can't seem to stop holding her feelings in.

she was cleaning to try and get the argument out her head but it just wasn't working.

essence started to clean aleäh bathroom cause it had hair products everywhere, moving to to aleäh's room to straightened her bed. aleäh's room was clena the bed just had to be fixed because if the bed wasn't fixed the room looked dirty to essence.

then she moved to alannah's room folding all the clothes that essence took out because she didn't know what to put on alannah.

on the other hand as nardo drove down the road to drop the girls off he couldn't get his mind off the argument .

he wondered why essence wasn't telling him about her body imagine. he knew because she was in the bathroom mirror looking at herself.

thinking he didn't see but he saw. he didn't understand why she didn't like her body. just because her thighs and stomach got bigger .

she looked good to him honestly even better than before in his opinion.

but he wanted her to tell him today but when she lied to his face it pissed him off.

made him feel like she couldn't trust him with what was bothering her.

he felt that she needed to understand is how they gone live together but not talk to each when it came to shit LIEK this.

pulling into the drive way of the school he grabbed alannah's car seat and bag and grabbed aleäh's hand.

making through the door he signed both kids in heading the the hallway to the daycare side making sure they got alannah safely .

once he seen she was okay he started walking towards the other hallway where the preschool was for aleäh but stopped.

he picked her up saying "leäh you walk to damn slow"

you the one who grabbed my hand , she said back at him causing him to look at her making the two laugh.

once both kids were both dropped off safely he made his way to the car calling essence.

hello ?

aye im going to subway you want some ?

yes the spicy italian, with garlic bread and toasted.

stank breath ass, he said laughing.

causing her to laugh too.

okay ill be at the house in a few minutes.

thoughts ?

this is just a filler chapter !

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