The date (Ch. 23)

861 32 13

(First Person POV)

Man, studying is sorta boring. I'm glad I'm not studying alone. I still complain about studying even though I get grades that are considered good.

Nene: Is there something you don't understand?

Y/N: No, just spacing out.

Nene: Ah, I see.

Y/N: Soo... I'm sorta nervous.

Nene: Why?

Y/N: Y'know, the date...

Nene: Why are you so nervous about it?

Y/N: Like what if I screw up or something?

Nene: How would you screw up?

Y/N: I don't know... I just seem to find a way to do so most of the time.

Nene: Don't worry, we're just gonna be there to have some fun together:

Y/N: Alright...

Nene: I'm also a little nervous, if that makes you feel any better.

Y/N: You seem very good at hiding it.

Just as I finish talking, I feel a pain on my head. The librarian just hit me with a newspaper for talking too loud.

Y/N: Oof...

Nene: Break time is almost over.

Y/N: Yeah, we should head back to class.


There are people that are nearly perfect, there are people that are imperfect, there are people who are batshit insane and then there's you, mediocre. Well, actually you're fine. Anyways, as someone who is mediocre, it's always expected to forget something at times, like breakfast. However, unlike the perfect goddess in the same room, you had eaten your breakfast. Also, for some god forsaken reason, you've never missed breakfast on a school day.

Anyways, we currently skip to lunch break. You were busy talking with Nene about random things and your inevitable date with her. It's not like you disliked the idea of dating, it's just that you were still a nervous wreck. Oh shit here comes Katai.

Katai: Y/N...

That made the both of you jump slightly. You turn around to see Katai, standing behind you. He had his lunch out and quickly put 2 and 2 together.

Y/N: Do you wanna have lunch with us?

Katai breathed a sigh of relief when you said that. It seemed you understood, it's almost like you have a good sense of reading the room. Still not as good as Tadano though because that guy is an absolute giga chad.

You felt a lot of eyes on the 3 of you, most of the students were worried for Nene. I don't know why people think you're scary, like it really doesn't make sense. Ah whatever.

Katai: *menacingly* Should we leave?

Y/N: Sure.

Nene: Actually, I think Kaede-San asked if I could eat with her.

Y/N: That's out of character.

Nene: Well, you guys can go.

You and Katai get up. Most of the class seemed sorta intimidated of you 2. You decided not to question it. As you both head further into the hallway, you hear Tadano call out behind you.

Tadano: Hey! Y/N and Katai-kun!

Katai: 'These 2 must be close! Calling him by his first name!'

Derpy [Nene Onemine x M!reader] (Also previously known as 'Observe.')Where stories live. Discover now