The Festival (Ch. 14)

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(Your POV)

Summer festivals usually look fun. I've never really gone to a summer festival before, it's sounds sad. I've just picked out a Yukata at the store yesterday. It probably won't look good on me but, who cares. My parents are calling me from downstairs. I run down the stairs.

F/N: We're off to prepare our stall now!

Y/N: Yeah.

M/N: Be safe sweetie!

Y/N: Alright. You too guys.

F/N: See you!

They both leave, now what... I think my sister is having a sleepover with her friend or something... Guess I'll die.

S/N: See you soon bro!

Y/N: What? You're leaving now?

S/N: Yeah! They're driving me.

Y/N: Oh, have fun... and be safe.

S/N: You too!

Now she's gone... Oh, I've gotten a text message saying that a lot the class will be going to the festival together. Eh, would've preferred it with just Onemine... Wait, what the fuck am I thinking?!

Y/N: I'm just gonna finish up my homework, maybe do the boss rush? I don't know...

I've finished all my Vice President reports, Hitohito better thank me for this. Now, to do my summer homework, it'll be easy...

Summer's never been more fun for me, it feels nice. I now know why people look forward to it so much. After all, spending time with others is just better than being alone, unless you hate people, which is understandable. The pool was really fun, I even saw Onemine in a swimsuit... What?!

Y/N: What the hell am I thinking?!

Ah, focus on calculus! I can't be horny today! Anyways, I'm gonna listen to some tunes while I do work.

(2 Hours of 'No Title' By Reol later)
(It's a good song imho)

Finally, finished with all this dumb crap. Now what? Hmm, I feel like exploring a bit, I do have some money saved up from working at the restaurant. Ok kind of nervous going to the festival, it's all crowded and everything...

Y/N: I'll think about it later, right now, I'm gonna head out.

I'm just gonna walk around and explore until we all meet up, should I be in my Yukata? Eh, I'm gonna change later.

U/N (your uncle's name): Y/N?!

Y/N: Huh?

U/N: It really is you!

Y/N: Uncle? What're you doing here?

U/N: I just wanted to say hello to your father! Anyways, look at how much you've grown!

Y/N: It's been... I dunno? 8 years?

U/N: Anyways, where are your parents? Aren't they with you?

Y/N: No... They're setting up a stall at the festival.

U/N: Huh?! How am I going to deliver these?!

Y/N: Deliver what?

U/N: I brought presents for your parents! But I can't bring these to them because I gotta leave in an hour...

Y/N: I'll deliver these to them.

U/N: Really?! Thank you so much! Also tell them I said hello.

Y/N: Yeah.

U/N: Gotta go now!

Y/N: See ya.

That was strange. My uncle still looked as childish as ever. I think I should head back home to change, I wanna get there early.

Derpy [Nene Onemine x M!reader] (Also previously known as 'Observe.')Where stories live. Discover now