Bruh 🗿 (Ch. 20)

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(Third Person POV)

Huh, you legit just fainted, in the middle of the classroom... At least the cafe is sold out? Anyways, after a brief moment of panic, you are carried to the office by Nene, accompanied by Kaede and the Normie squad.

Nene: Jeez, he's overworked himself. It's almost as if he isn't self-aware. He probably should've taken a rest, having worked the entire time.

She says that to nobody in particular. Kaede is just falling behind every now and then observing whatever the hell was happening, requiring Chiarai to constantly drag her back.

After arriving at the nurse's room, they just plop you into one of the beds. For some reason, the nurse wasn't there, probably enjoying themselves with the festival.

Chiarai: So... Now what?

Good question, I don't know.

Nene: I'll wait for him to wake up, you guys can enjoy the festival.

The entire Normie squad: 'Such big sister energy!'

Sonoda: Sure!

Nene: Also please look after Kaede-San.

Chiarai: Huh?

Kaede is dragged out of the room and the door is closed shut before anybody else could respond. That only left your stupid ass and Nene. She just sits quietly waiting for you to wake up.

(First Person POV)

I grumble slightly as I wake up. Everything is sort of blurry but I think I'm in a wooden cart. I see someone who I think is Nene.

Nene: Hey you, you're finally awake. You were trying to cross the border right?

Huh?! As I actually wake up, I hit my head on something, or was it someone? I can't tell.

Y/N: Ow...

I look up to see a blurry image of Nene, wait that's just me. Everything is kinda blurry. I rub my eyes to clear up my vision. I see Nene, who is sort of blushing, why?

Nene: Ah, you're awake...

Y/N: Yeah, I am. What happened?

Nene: You passed out in the middle of the classroom, you idiot.

Y/N: Huh?!

Nene: A lot of us were worried you know?

Y/N: Ah, sorry... Wait, what do you mean by 'a lot of us?'

Nene: Well, a lot of the class panicked, especially the girls.

She says while pouting. I'm still surprised though, like, I didn't know that they cared about me more than I cared about myself. Anyways, Tadano, Komi and Najimi loudly bust down the door.

Najimi: Oh? L/N-San, what are you doing here?

Y/N: Oh? According to Nene- I mean Onemine-San, I fainted in the middle of the classroom.

You say in the most deadpan tone. That alone surprised everybody at the door.

Najimi: What?!

Nene: Where were you guys anyway? We were cleaning up but you guys weren't anywhere to be found.

Tadano: Najimi-San brought us around to advertise and stuff. Well, it was more just playing around.

Nene: Jeez, if I knew you guys were going I would've asked if I could bring this idiot with you...

Y/N: Yes I am an idiot.

Derpy [Nene Onemine x M!reader] (Also previously known as 'Observe.')Where stories live. Discover now