[Insert obscure reference] (Ch. 8)

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(Third Person POV)

That ordeal that happened recently was, very tiring to say the least. You were mentally exhausted and could barely interact with anyone. Oh well...

Anyways, summer is here. You didn't give a single crap about it. Biking to your school was quite hard, you almost fell over like 5 times. You looked really physically tired, you weren't... But you sure looked the part. Anyways, everyone in a 5 kilometer radius could be seen blushing. The source was Komi and her summer uniform. After making your way to class, a wild Chiarai appears.

Chiarai: Did you see Komi?! She really is a goddess!

You weren't even able to talk, that ordeal really tired you out. That's what you get for being an emotionless piece of shi-

Ahem, sorry. Anyways, as the narrator, I announce that you see Sonoda and Shinobino approach.

Sonoda: Yo!

Shinobino: Hello.

Chiarai: Huh?

They pull Chiarai out for a bit. You space out even more. Then the 3 of them return.

Chiarai: Meet L/N! He looks scary but he's really cool!

Sonoda: Ok?

Huh, he was introducing you. That's neat. Anyways just as they were about to talk, the bell rings and everyone goes back to their seat. Well, off to wonderland.

(Random Timeskip cus screw gym class)

Lunchtime, a time for you to recover. You quickly went to the rooftop to eat your lunch. It was peaceful up there. You just find a good bench and eat your food. You finish rather quickly because you brought only half a sandwich. You spend sometime alone to recollect your thought. After like a few minutes, you fall asleep.

(First Person POV)

Huh, it's so soft for some reason. I feel at relaxed... Almost a bit too relaxed...

I wake up to the sight of Onemine staring at me, with a warm and friendly smile.

Onemine: You're finally awake.

Y/N: Yeah... I am.

Onemine: You looked really out of it today, is everything alright?

Y/N: Yeah, just tired.

I stood there laying... Only to realize I was lying on Onemine's lap. I quickly got up out of surprise and felt a blush on my face.

Y/N: A-Ah! S-sorry...

Onemine: Nothing to be sorry about.

Y/N: R-right...

Onemine: So, did you have a good rest? Hope I didn't make anything too uncomfortable.

Y/N: No not at all! It was... nice, actually.

Onemine: So it seems that guys really do like the lap pillow.

Y/N: What?

Onemine: I heard the Normie squad talk about lap pillows.

Y/N: Normie squad?

Onemine: Y'know... Chairai, Sonoda and Chinobino.

Y/N: Ah, I see.

Onemine: So why're you tired?

Y/N: Ah, well... I did get angry and lash out on someone?

Onemine: Huh? That's out of character... What happened?

Y/N: It's sort of a long story. To put it simply, Tadano-kun got kidnapped by Yamai-san.

Onemine: Heh!?

Derpy [Nene Onemine x M!reader] (Also previously known as 'Observe.')Where stories live. Discover now