Reader's Profile (REMASTERED)

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Hey there! Been a while huh? I'm back. Remastered this part and I won't go into detail about my disappearance since y'all just wanna read this dumpster fire.

Important Detail

Y/N's eyes are well, 'empty'. He gets this trait from his mother. However, what makes him more intimidating is how his eyes sometimes derp out (or if that's what you call it) when he zones out or thinks hard and instantly go back once he finishes.


Y/N is a somewhat shy person, not as introverted as Komi though. They're kind to their close friends. They seem unfriendly and tend to intimidate fellow classmates because of their appearance. They think lowly of themselves and have little to no self-confidence. They get flustered easily despite having an expressionless face (defeats point of being expressionless).

Likes (skip this or something)

He likes Onemine... And also food. And having friends.


Fruits (he still wats his veggies and the occasional banana) and creepy people.

Derpy [Nene Onemine x M!reader] (Also previously known as 'Observe.')Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora