#23 Jealous

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Eddie is honestly the most jealous person ever, even tho he doesn't ever admit it you know.

He gets so jealous because he doesn't think he's good enough for you

Anytime he catches someone else staring at you he clenches his fists and walks over to you, grabs your waist and kisses you hard, and makes sure to smirk at whoever was starring at you

He definitely wouldn't be afraid to get in a fight with someone who's hitting on you and won't leave you alone
"Hey beautiful" a random guy says to you while at a party, you look around to see if Eddie is anywhere

"I have a boyfriend" you say starting to walk away when he grabs your arm

"I don't see him anywhere" he says and you try to take your arm away but he holds onto it

"Let me go" you say trying to pull your arm away

"She said let go" Eddie says coming up and making him let go of your arm

"And who are you" The random guy says

"Her boyfriend" Eddie says which causes the guy to laugh

"Yeah right like she'd date a freak like you" He says causing Eddie to punch him which causes a fight. You finally pull Eddie away, "Cmon Eddie let's go home and clean you up" You say.

Once you get home you take him to the bathroom, sit him on the counter and grab a cloth and wet and wipe the blood off his face.

"I'm sorry sweetheart" Eddie says looking at you with puppy dog eyes, you just roll your eyes

"You're cute when your jealous" You say kissing him


Eddie always is touching you so everyone knows your his

He even covers your neck in hickies so everyone can see your taken, no matter how mad you get at him for it.

He made you two matching guitar pick necklaces and he put a E on yours so people know

He always loves to rub it other guys faces that a freak like him got you

You can always tell when Eddie gets jealous, you can see the way he clenches his fist and the way his jaw clenches. When u see this you make sure to go over to him and kiss him and reassure him that your his and you don't care about those other guy.

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