#4 dating eddie

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Dating Eddie is never a dull moment.

He'll always bring you to d&d games you either play or sit and watch

you play with each other's hair all the time especially in bed when going to sleep

"sweetheart" "princess" "darling" & "babe" are your nicknames used all the time

he'll play you his songs he wrote before anyone else, and help teach your guitar

he'll sing you to sleep & play your favourite song on the guitar

he'll constantly be touching you, no matter what and no matter where

he can't cook worth shit but he'll try his best for you and you try to teach him

lots of neck kisses

you come with him when he does deals

you're always front row at his shows even tho there's only 5 other people and they are always drunk

he's very protective over you, and will stare any guy down who looks at you and makes sure they know your his

he always makes you smile, he hates to see you upset so he tries his best to hear your laugh which he absolutely adores

he always rubs it in his friends faces how he got such a pretty girl/guy like you

he loves to see you in his clothes

makes sure anything you two do sexually is okay with you

lots of trips to the record store & arcade

he honestly will do anything for you

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