Chapter 7

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Woody's pull string: "There's a snake in my boot. I'd like to join your posse boys, but first I'm gonna sing a little song."

Bonnie holds Woody with a smile: "The Sheriff!"

She places him on a chair next to Red and Balto with three other toys sitting on the other side of the table. A hedgehog, a pony, and a triceratops.

Bonnie: "Move over, Mr. Pricklepants, we have a guest. You want some coffee?" She places plastic cups in front of her toys. "It's good for you, but don't drink too much, or you'll have to... have to... be right back." She leaves her room to use the restroom.

Woody looks over and begins talking to the other toys, "Psst, hey hello. Hi, excuse me."

Mr. Pricklepants: "Shh."

Woody: "Can you tell us where we are?"

Mr. Pricklepants: "Shh."

Red: "Stop shushing us!"

The pony says, "The guy is just asking a question."

Mr. Pricklepants: "Well excuse me, I'm trying to stay in character."

"My name is Buttercup, you've met Baron Von Shush."

Mr. Pricklepants: "Shh."

"Hello, I'm Trixie."

Then they begin shushing each other.

Woody: "Hey guys, hey guys, look I don't know where we are."

Trixie: "We're either in a cafe in Paris or a coffee shop in New Jersey. I'm pretty sure I just came back from the doctor with life changing news.

Buttercup: "We do a lot of improv here. Just stay loose, have fun you'll be fine."

Balto: "Sounds good to me."

Woody tried to say otherwise but Bonnie walked back into the room.

Bonnie: "Who wants lunch?" She taps buttons on a toy microwave and opens the door. She pulls a toy hamburger out. "It has a secret ingredient, jelly beans."

She eats a jelly bean then pulls on Woody's pull string. "Somebody's poisoned the waterhole."

Bonnie: (gasps) "Poisoned!" She spits the jelly bean on Mr. Pricklepants. "Who would do such a mean thing?" Then she looks back and sees a doll looking on and imitates an evil laugh. "Ah! the scary witch! Look out, she's using her witchy powers!"

Bonnie pretends to have Woody talk, "I know where to hide!"

She hides in the toy chest with all her toys including Woody, Red and Balto. Then grabs Totoro and hides him. "She'll never find us in here. What's wrong?" She looks back and the doll is behind her (she's holding the doll). "Aaah. She found us. We need a spaceship to get away from the witch!" Then she leaves the room again.

Trixie: "You're doing great."

Mr. Pricklepants: "Are you classically trained?"

Red: "Actually. Yeah."

Woody: "Look, I just need to know how to get out of here."

Buttercup: "There is no way out!"

Woody, Red and Balto gasp. Then Buttercup says, "Just kidding. Door is right over there."

"Well, guys, you just jumped right in didn't ya. I'm Dolly."

Balto: "I'm Balto and this is Red." Red waves.

Woody: "Uh, Woody." He shakes Dolly's hand.

Dolly: "Woody, really. You're gonna stick with that? Because now is the chance to change it. New room and all. That's coming from a doll named Dolly."

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