Im pregnant

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I have been crying for about an hour because I took a pregnancy test and it came back saying pregnant, and I don't feel ready at all for it and an other thing is that it's Eddie child and I don't know how he will react. He's away for a club meeting right now and I'm just stressing out to telling him about it, after a while I heard the door open " hey darling I'm home!" Eddie shouted placing his stuff down on the table I just stayed quiet panicking even more " darling, are you here?" He asked again walking down the hall " sweetheart?" He said going into the bathroom room seeing me on the floor crying " hey what's wrong?" He said sitting down next to me " Eddie I need to tell you something" I said crying more looking down at my feet " sure darling, what's wrong? Eddie asked wiping my cheek " um I'm- I'm pregnant" I said looking away from him " what?" He said " I'm pregnant" I said again " how? We used protection?" Eddie said looking at me " I don't know and I'm scared" Eddie took my hand and rubbed it " um it's okay it's okay" he said " really, I thought you wouldn't want kids" I said Looking at him " what made you think that?" Eddie asked smiling at me making me feel a little bit better " I don't know I just thought you wouldn't be ready" I replied smiling " well are you ready for a kid?" Eddie asked " I don't know" I said looking at the test " if you're not ready we don't have to go through with this" he said still holding my hand " I think I am ready, only if you help me though?" I said smiling " of course I'll help you, he said kissing my head and helping me up and taking me to the living room. Once we got there Eddie sat me down and started talking to my belly " hello little sperm growing into a baby" he was smiling like crazy " I'm really exited to be you're father, and just so you know I'm going to spoil you a lot!" Eddie then kissed my belly and gave me a kiss on the nose " I'm so excited, hey! Let's talk about names!" He said looking at me with excitement " woah, woah slow down!" I said laughing at the massive smile on his face " it's too early yet Eddie!" I said " nothings to early" he said happily. I'm just happy he's here so I'm not alone and that I have the kindest boyfriend in the world.



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