Chapter 5: Spranne Against The World!

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Hop Pop: "Rise and shine, sleepyheads! Ya missed breakfast!" The elder frog shouts which only causes Sprig and Anne to groan.

Anne: "Go away..." Anne is muffled due to her laying on her face.

Y/N's eyes darted to Sprig. "Uh, Sprig, why are you blue?"

Sprig groans. "I froze solid in the night and finally just started to thaw." Sprig admits as his pink color fades in."

Anne: "What?" Anne chips in. "It was like a swamp sauna in here. Maybe Sprig just needs another blanket."

Sprig: "Or maybe Anne needs fewer blankets."

Anne: "Or maybe..."

Hop Pop: "Y'know, the couch is still free in case there's trouble in paradise."

Y/N: "Uh, no, the couch is not free."

Anne: "Y/N, I don't even know how you sleep on that thing. It's as hard as a rock."

Y/N: "Eh, it's good for posture."

Sprig: "Besides Hop Pop, it's no trouble."

Anne: "Yeah! We're the best roommates in the history of roommates."

Anne and Sprig: "Spranne against the world!"

Anne and Sprig both walk to Sprig's room door.

Sprig: "After you, best roomie."

Anne exits the room first. "Why, thank you, also best roomie." Sprig bows and soon follows her out the door

Hop Pop: "Hmm..."

Y/N: "How cringe."

Polly: "They're gonna eat each other alive."

Hop Pop: "Oh, absolutely." Hop Pop agrees as he exits the room, leaving Polly and Y/N.

Polly: "Hey..."

Y/N: "You wanna do what they're doing, don't you?"

Polly: "Guilty as charged."

Y/N stares at the pollywog but then lowers his hand to her. "Let's do it." Polly jumps into his hand. "Yes!" She exclaims as Y/N spins her on his finger.

- Many Nights Later -

You and Polly walk to your and Anne's room to see Anne and Sprig already there. Sadly, the room was still flooded.

Sprig looks at you and Polly and raises an eyebrow. "You two seem closer than usual." He says.

Y/N: "Yep, we've been hanging out a lot while you guys had your little "roomies" quarrel."

Polly: "I'm surprised you guys didn't eat each other alive yet!" Polly teases.

Hop Pop promptly appears from the flooded waters.

Anne: "Hey uh, Hop Pop... How long till you fix the leak?"

Sprig: "Could it possibly be done tonight?"

Hop Pop scoffs. "Not a chance."

Sprig: "Oh, let me help, let me help! You know my underwater sight is better than yours!"

Hop Pop: "Now that's just a bunch of malarkey! My eyesight's fine...!" Hop Pop squints. "Who's that, Sprig? Anyway, don't you have chores to do?"

Sprig groans as he leaves.

Anne: "Good luck Hop Pop! I'm counting on you! Y'know, not cause I wanna hurry and move out or something..." Anne awkwardly explains as she too exits.

You turn to Polly. "Polly, I bet you my left leg one of them is gonna come back here later and try to fix the leak themselves."

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