Chapter 17: Sasha's End Of The Deal

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Time flies in Toad Tower, and keeping track of it is hard.

One day blends into the next, filled with the constant training rhythm and the sound of marching feet.

Before Y/N knows it, almost two months have zipped by since his blowup with Sasha. They haven't exchanged more than a handful of words since letting the clatter of weapons and the grunts of exertion do the talking.

Y/N spends his days in the thick of training, where the toads are shaping up nicely, thanks to the relentless drills. They've gone from stumbling over their feet to moving with rough grace, like boulders rolling downhill — not pretty, but definitely effective.

He stands by the training field, Stalky in hand, feeling a weird mix of pride and frustration. The toads are getting better, no doubt, but the air between him and Sasha is still heavy with unsaid things.

True to form, Sasha sticks to her role, barking orders and pushing the toads to their limits. She's all business, her focus sharp, but she avoids making eye contact with Y/N as if she can shut him out just by looking the other way.

Despite their silent standoff, the results of their training are showing. The toads move with purpose, their attacks have a new edge, and they're starting to work together like a well-oiled machine. Even Grime can't help but nod in approval at the sight.

As dusk paints the sky in shades of orange and purple, Y/N finds himself on the tower's edge, Stalky leaning against his shoulder.

He stares out, lost in thought, the quiet of the evening wrapping around him like a cloak. In these quiet moments, he lets himself think about the bigger picture, the tangled mess of motivations and plans that brought him here.

The soft sound of footsteps approaching breaks his thoughts. Sasha steps into view, her usual confident stride faltering slightly as she joins him at the tower's edge. There's something different in her demeanor tonight; the usual sharpness in her eyes is replaced by hesitancy, a vulnerability Y/N has never seen in her before.

"...There are things you don't know, Y/N," she starts, her voice lower, laced with a hesitation that seems foreign coming from her. "Things that might change how you see all of this."

He looks at her, noting the uncharacteristic nervousness in her eyes, a stark contrast to her usual confidence. "What things?" he inquires, his curiosity spiked by her unusual demeanor.

She takes a moment, collecting her thoughts, her gaze drifting back to the fading light. "It's just... we've been through a lot, you know? And it's made me think about... us and how things could have been different," she says, her words tinged with an unspoken sentiment.

Y/N feels a twinge of something — caution, perhaps, or suspicion. Sasha's openness is disarming, yet he senses an undercurrent, a deeper layer to her confession. "...Different how?" he probes, his voice steady despite the turmoil of thoughts.

Sasha looks at him again, her eyes flickering with an emotion he can't quite decipher. "Never mind," she quickly covers, her usual mask slipping back into place. "What's important is our deal. We're heading to Wartwood, and I need you to lead the way."

Her swift return to practical matters doesn't completely mask the brief vulnerability she displayed. "I know the way," Y/N acknowledges, his mind racing with the implications of guiding them to Wartwood, his sense of caution sharpening. "But why do I feel like you're not saying more?"

Sasha's expression hardens, her momentary lapse sealed away. "Because there's always more, Y/N. But for now, let's focus on what's ahead. We leave at dawn."

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 31 ⏰

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