Chapter 1: Best Fronds?

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Anne: "Alright Anne, you've got this..."

Anne looks out the window of a small store she was in and could see her "friends" on the other side.

Relaxing music played in the store, giving it a pleasant vibe.

Sasha shoots Anne a thumbs up.

Old Man: "Ah, this is a nice antique. Hey young man, how much for this one right here?"

???: "One second, sir."

Anne takes a deep breath and begins to walk to a shelf. It held a golden box that had what looked like three jewels. The box also rested at the very top of said shelf.

???: "Anne, you don't have to do this." A familiar figure gets in her way, ultimately causing her to stop walking.

He had on what looked like a uniform. One specifically for a shop.

Anne: "Y/N, please, move." Anne tries to go to the right but Y/N swiftly sidesteps to once again thwart her pathway.

This time, he was closer to the window of the small store and could see Sasha and Marcy through his peripheral vision.

Sasha could be seen just barely pounding her fists on the glass of the window, as her face scrunched up into one of anger and jealousy.

Y/N: "Sasha wants this... And I know Marcy doesn't mean anything by this. It's almost like Sasha stabbed her in the heart with a big firey blade..."

Anne raises an eyebrow. "That's oddly specific, Y/N..." Anne sighs. "Just please, get out of my way..." Anne looks down. "Sasha was right about us being together... It shouldn't have happened..."

Y/N's face swivels into more of a neutral form, as he just hardly looks down.

Anne: "I didn't mean it like-"

Y/N: "Nah, it's cool." Y/N promptly turns around and grabs the box from the top shelf. "Boss lady is asleep anyways." Anne looks back to see the woman snoring at the front desk.

Y/N: "I hope this is what you want, Anne." Y/N hands the box to her and returns it to the old man.

"Okay sir, I'm back! What was it you needed again?"

Anne: "Y/N... I..." Anne mutters as her speech drifts off, almost sounding like a whisper.

- Later At Night -

Y/N was walking towards the park. The moon was out, creating a small shine on the teen's S/C skin.

"Maybe I should've talked it out with her right then and there..." He ponders. "But Sasha... I was never really fond of her."

After reaching his destination, he spots Sasha, Anne, and Marcy there.

"Speak of the devil."

He walks closer to the three, and upon further inspection, he notices that they're examining the box.

It did have three gems engraved in it.

Anne then began to feel for the lid, and that's when Y/N knew something was gonna go wrong.

He runs over to the trio but is too late.

Y/N: "Anne, NO-"

A bright light blinds them all.

- Present Time -

Amphibia x Male ReaderTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon