Too much cats and flowers

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(Next day )

Dahlia woke up super tired
from all ...this, her father being annoying and proding for details of how was she turned into a girl every once in awhile .

It was rare nowadays that she would spend time with her siblings more exactly it was rare for her siblings to have time for her,Jason was always busy with whatever Jason does in his life it went up from unloading guns to cuddling under the sheets with her sister Reassa .

Tim properly would die than hang out with the demon brat like he would put it though most likely consumed in whatever case he was working on .

Richard didn't live in Gotham anymore and it was difficult for him to find time to spend with his newfound baby sister between work and and yes spending time with his wife and daughter mari' herself adored Dahlia begging her father every once in a while to visit her 'aunt dally' as she puts it .

" I am really sorry Lil " that's why it hurt when he called to cancel it would be the first time to see him since things went down with ...Jon she needed gray- no - dick more than ever before . It was childish and selfish of her because her older brother was busy just like her father who never had time for her . Hell whilst she wouldn't give so he'd hold her and just tell her that everything will be  okay, like Jason does every once in a while she is now finding comfort in the arms of Harley Quinn and her father's arch nemesis Joker

" you remember the brother blood case right ? " of course it was what the titans had been working on the last time she'd attended a meeting when  Jon had walked through the door with Irisa under his arm and a smile wider than anything else ,"well the Last mission went sideways .. starfire got hurt nothing serious but she kinda needs my help to move around for a while ", it was her fault because she wasn't there to watch star's back the only one who was there for here when she felt truly what heartbreak is.

Grayson wouldn't say it but he felt his sister implying it, she has been neglecting her duties.

" I understand Grayson I'll call star later "

'' sure thing by-" she hang up before he continued.

How nice it would be to have someone to hold her and take care of her when she's hurt or in pain she was happy for Grayson he deserved happiness a family of his own but it didn't make it any less painful .

She just wished someone would be willing to do the same to her some day not Jon, he has made that clear .

Alfred knocked the door " Mistress Dahlia another gift from your admirer is here ."

It was a box a really full box she had to admit Marcel shot the dart and cone much closer to his mark than his last gift .

Her father stared at the box with an expression that could only be described as dread , confusion and uncertainty . Though Dahlia's expression  was not far but with a wide grin and a hint of bitterness .

Kittens every color and shape all so small hungry and yearning for attention there was a card that said to my love ,your future fiance

" can't keep those " father said Alfred snickered in his fist as a kitten climbed out of the box

" I know father " she said as she lifted a white kitten that fell out of the box and held her to her face and smiled when she licked her nose .

Today was horrible Dahlia admits as she stormed into the batcave her father right behind her she disobeyed and almost got herself killed, her father was right to be mad " I did what I had to do "

" you had to break his leg and give him a concussion " her father retorted.

" your point ? "

" you are benched until your head is clear "

" Fine ,see if I care ? I am not even supposed to be robin most of them died by now or left you " her father glared at her with the infamous bat glare " so what will it be ,will you walk away or will I have to bury you " his voice raised in pitch

" are you sick of me being robin so badly and you want me gone that bad"

" I won't have a robin put her life and batman's in danger "

" I am your daughter you are supposed to put your life on the line for me "

" for my daughter I would but not for an al ghul " the room froze because there was no way he could take his words back . She almost couldn't believe her father had said them there was a reason she is called a demon spawn . That's why she never felt like a son . She thought she was getting  better that she had proven herself to batman and every robin before but no .

Batman 's eyes were wide behind the cowl the words just came out but that just meant they were true batman winced to himself " Dahlia I _ that's not what I meant " Dahlia said nothing just took the mask off and the R on her chest discarding them both to the cold floor .

And  ran outside away from  the manor her loyal dog following in tow she felt so much pain like no other as she ran to her only refuge her godfather   

Who would do anything for her and when she says anything she means it

990 words this the longest chapter I've written until now

I ..... writing this chapter made me do lots of thinking  how simple you could lose everything in a moment  of anger and I never had any real freinds .

A....anyways please enjoy and I hope you have a good day / night


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