Chapter 1

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Chapter 1

Allow me to introduce myself.
My name is Nicole Michelle Mikaelson but that’s not important. My name changed as often as you check your smartphone for new mails. Well, I’m one of the oldest vampires on earth. You may now my siblings, Aaron, Finn, Elijah, Klaus, Rebekah and my twin brother Kol. I love my brothers and my sister but if you’re having siblings too, you’ll know how hard life could be with them.

I was born 1015 in the woods of New England and when I was a young girl my mother, Esther, showed me her power and taught me that witches are connected to every life on earth. Animals, flowers and humans were living in peace till the day humans began to build up villages and big cities.
Few years have passed and for children eyes it was amazing how fast everything happened and people found their place in this radical change but I saw the bad sides too. The nature was more and more destroyed and soon a big plague and a dreadful diseased came over us.
My loved brother Aaron was one of hundred victims who died. We were shocked but we knew that we couldn’t stay here any longer because if we do, more of our family would die.

Klaus was the one who heard about a new world behind the horizon and fast we found some Vikings who sailed us to that magic and wild place. The travel took about 89 days and I can say “thank god for plains”! Today you are flying 7 hours from England to New York with air hostesses, wlan, TV and a sleep cabin. All we had was a drunken crew, a board game and the sea and…oh did I say that we haven’t had enough to eat, well now we had not only a drunken crew but a mowing, drinking and hungry crew. It was terrible!! My siblings were not better instant Kol and me. We were making jokes and laughed all the time. Okay, sometimes we all were annoyed and moody but we went through this.
89 days later we arrived in the new world, our new home. Years passed and my brother Henry was born. Klaus and he were everything for each other.
We lived our live and Elijah was my teacher, not my mom, Esther, or my dad, Mikael as you would think no it was Elijah who took care of me and somehow I got feelings for my brother. I knew that we are related but I couldn’t get these feelings out of my heart. One year later some people came to the new world with the same idea, to start a new life and find an adventure but from the beginning they ignore us. Every time we tried to get in contact with them they got aggressive or just leaved. It was strange and we couldn’t find out which secret they’re having…but we should find it out soon!

Mom was teaching Finn, her most loved son, something about herbal…yes, she teaches it to all her children but Finn was the only one who was really interested in it. Well now I often think I should have listen a little bit more attentive but it’s already too late. But that’s not what I wanted to say. She was teaching and dad were hunting with Elijah, he wasn’t the best at it but still better than Kol, as we, the rest of our family Klaus, Rebekah, Kol, Henry and myself, went to our “neighbours”. We’re hidden behind trees, watched them, waiting and hoping something unbelievable will happen. It was getting darker and darker and Rebekah already wanted to go home as suddenly the moon, a wonderful bright shining full moon, rises above our heads and all people started to scream painfully. They seem to transform their figure and we all were not able to move caused of our fear. As the moon stood in his zenith they complete their transformation. Finally 14 werewolves were standing there barking, howling and hungry!

All we could do was running but they were too fast. Kol was clever, he separated himself from the group and hide behind some stones and the pack just runs past him.
Rebekah was skilful and climbed up an ash-tree as fast as she could. The wolfs were not able to get up to here and gave the attempt up. Klaus, Henry and I were left. We run for our lives but had no chance. We stopped; Klaus and I started to fight with our bare hands against them. One moment we were not watching Henry and suddenly it happened. A werewolf bites his shoulder and the other wolfs just did the same. We were powerless and helpless. As they stopped, Klaus fend off them and pressed Henrys dead body against his. Tears run through his face. It was horrible. We just lost another family member. He bears him on his arms and then we hear Rebekah and Kol running constantly unaware to us. They saw Henry and couldn’t believe what they see. Fast we all run home in hope mom knows a spell or some herbal that can help him but then at home mom cried and dad was beside himself for anger. He made Klaus guilty for everything that happened, as the oldest son and gave him a slap on his face. In Klaus was not only mourning anymore…now there was also anger increasing in him!

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