Chapter Six

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Kikian's POV - 

"KAI!" Nya cried as she quickly hurried to her brother's side. The ninja was completely unconscious, slumped to the floor with his eyes closed. Kikian wanted to go over and help, but she could barely even walk.

She sent her gaze to Kai's attacker and she immediately gasped. Lloyd stood with his hands raised. His whole body was radiating green energy. She backed up a little, her eyes wide in shock. She barely recognized Lloyd. His expression looks so blank.

"Lloyd!" Zane said as he took a step in front of Kikian. "Are you alright? Why did you injure Kai?" After Lloyd did not reply, he turned to Kikian. "I don't know what is wrong with Lloyd, but something happened. I think Harumi messed with his powers somehow-"

Zane was cut off by Harumi's laughter. She faced the nindroid with a smile. "He's more powerful than he'd ever be with you pesky ninja," she said with another laugh. She turned to give Lloyd a nod before she left the room with Pythor right behind her.

Zane slowly walked to Lloyd, who was standing still with the same blank expression. Kikian squinted her eyes and saw that Lloyd's eyes were glowing green. She took in a breath, looking back to Zane. "Zane, maybe we shouldn't go near him."

"Why, he is a friend, not an enemy," he said over his shoulder. "Lloyd? Are you in there?" he asked Lloyd in a concerned voice.

Lloyd's eyes snapped to face Zane. Lloyd raised his hands and shot a green orb directly at Zane, causing the nindroid to jump out of the way to dodge. Zane quickly got to his feet and ran over to the other side of Lloyd. The Green Ninja continued to effortlessly blast green energy orbs in an attempt to hit Zane. Kikian ducked right before an orb flew right above her head. She struggled to get out of the way and faced her back behind one of the chairs.

Fuck, I'm just so useless. Cowering behind a chair while everyone else is fighting. What's wrong with Lloyd, though? What did they do to him? The thought of Harumi hurting Lloyd again made her pissed off. She knew how much Lloyd meant to them all. The group practically raised him. I need to do something, but what?

Beside her, Kikian found a large piece of rubble that had been laying on the floor. She pressed it to make it float, directing it over to where Lloyd stood. Without a moment's hesitation she swiped Lloyd across the head with the rubble. The corrupted ninja immediately dropped to the floor, the green radiation gone.

Kikian hobbled over to Lloyd. Zane was sitting to his side, quickly checking for a pulse. Kai was now waking up and Nya led her brother to where Lloyd lay.

"His vitals are stable and his pulse is even," Zane stated, looking up. "He should wake in a day or two."

Kai looked at Kikian with a hostile stare, "Why did you hit Lloyd against the head with a piece of the wall?" his voice grew angry and his eyes were narrowed.

"He almost killed you Kai! And he was about to kill Zane! I thought knocking him out would give us time to take him back to the monastery and figure out what happened to him!"

Kai rose to his feet, "You could have killed him!" He growled, clearly still angry.

"If I didn't, he would have killed us ALL!" Kikian shouted, raising to her feet as well.

Nya pushed the two fighting ninja in the face, making them both stagger backwards. "You two need to stop! Let's get Lloyd back so Master Wu can help him." She pushed Kai out of the way so she could pick up Lloyd.

"Here let me," Kai offered as he slid the unconscious Green Ninja onto his back.

With a final anxious glance back at the Crystal Council room, Kikian followed the rest back to the monastery.

They soon returned back. Kai carried Lloyd down to the hanger bay and Master Wu helped him onto a couch. Wu started to wrap Lloyd's head with some badgages while everyone gathered around Lloyd with worried and concerned faces.

"How did he get like this?" Master Wu asked Kai as he stroked his nephew's blonde hair.

"Once we arrived, we saw Harumi! She was alive and everything, with powers too. Lloyd showed up behind her, and he didn't look right. He was radiating green energy and he was a LOT stronger. He blasted me against the wall in two seconds. He also looked as if he was in a trance, like he wasn't exactly in his mind. His powers seemed corrupted almost, like how Zane's were when we were in the Never-realm. Kikian was able to knock him out before he did any more damage." Kai explained. "Is there anything you could do to get the regular old Lloyd back?"

Master Wu thought for a moment. "When Lloyd was knocked out, his trance was probally broken. I could give him some tea that takes away his powers until he drinks the tea again."

"What would happen to his powers if he drinks it again?" asked Jay.

"I . . . don't know."

"I saw we do it! As long as Lloyd is okay when he wakes up, I say yes!" Cole exclaimed. "Where's the tea?"

The rest of the group gave each other a nod, saying they each agreed that this was their best plan. Master Wu readyed the tea and had the unconscious Green Ninja drink it slowly.

"There," Master Wu said, backing up and setting the tea on a counter. "The rest is when we think it's safe for Lloyd to have his powers back." he looked back at Lloyd and sighed. "Now, we wait for him to wake.

Ninjago Oni and Dragon // Part One // Villain Lloyd AU //Where stories live. Discover now